Today's Date! NEWS

 Columbus Day!

Peggy Hall covers the Oxygen Deprivation Device *ODD man dating app and how to avoid being suffocated by modern medi SIN in public. There is no such thing as a mask mandate. Only a judge can issue that. They don't because judges are not retarded like hell officers. Health officer disorder misorder and malorders. Show us the proof of need, there is none. FDA and CDC have no proof even that any virus exists! It's in writing. A man date only applies if you agree to it just like any date with anyone. This is a disorder that applies to health care workers "only". They don't have to wear them in break rooms and other places only around patients. Oh that makes sense, the same air floats around the entire building, every room, every where everyone breathes it in, if viruses existed as described by all fear porn disinformation channels everyone would go home sick every day. Health care is loony toons. It's about pushing drugs. We avoid it like the plague, another imaginary condition. We are not a country governed by science. Medicine is a religion. It is not a law. They use practitioners who aren't even liable for anything. They PRACTICE medi SIN. They aren't even close to perfect ever. Have them practice on an apple each day. She tells a fantastic story about fasting and something that happened 40 years ago as a child and the dermatologist discovering something. Absolutely amazing.

Castor oil and orange juice starting her first delivery she says made it easy in the chat session Lee Merritt.

Viruses ONLY exist on a computer. Vaccines are an esistential threat. What is FTP?

We are for Abundant & Reliable Energy Systems *A&RES such as Nu Clear energy while being equitable to unreliable handicapped trickle and psychotic energy systems of solar & wind making sure we provide the handicapped parking spaces they need to try and fail to keep up with robust energy thus fitting in with those equity models as having been seen on the runway when models were treated equal when they got less oxygen than other models.

Nu Clear energy is what will bring peace to the region. Environ meant hellists hate Nu Clear energy. The real danger of Nu Clear is ticks. The carbon foot print of Nu Clear energy is so small it leaves all the woods and land intact unlike many men's dicks which had part of their dicks chopped off by trusted doctors soon after they came out of mother's protective womb to be introduced to HELL thcare HELL and it's devotion to modern a medi SIN and it's demands to continue abusing only baby MEN this way and not women as it's illegal to do this to the females so when babies are born they should identify as women immediately for their protection. The presentation is interesting in many aspects including tribal people of California's west coast being pro Nu Clear energy and their land that was stolen to create the Devil's nuclear plant there. A lot of people in California think that it's now mostly run by "clean energy" made by movie sets called wind & solar. For show the state "decommissioned" some Nu Clear reliable efficient clean energy power plants only to replace the energy with NATURAL GAS which is more emission full than 100 Nu clear power plants. It's all show busine$$.

Disingenuous politicians say "vote for me" using the lie that they will solve the poverty problem. Vote for that lump of coal that Charlie Brown (cartoon character) received as a treat for Halloween instead. Chart makes it perfectly clear that coal was responsible not any politician.

HELLth kare in America [and the world] is again ramping up flu & kovaids season and again saying to get injected with waterlogged wood preservatives which can be bought at Home Depot for of all things preserving wood. Does hellth kare really think of humans as wood? Only HELLth kare recommends this preservative be injected into humans, no one with a brain when they understand what pHARMa is doing and all it's ancillary money grubbing functions are doing would go along with such marketing schemes. Vaccines are rape. Your body says no and you and the rapist don't listen.

Del Bigtree clued us in on how clowns entertain us with this nonsense of being injected with wood preservatives and anti-freeze for our health. Here's one of the clowns that wears a stye in his eye on matters of health and governing telling us modern medi SIN and government HELL care should strap people down like it does with baby men and circumcise their ability to keep their bodies intact and free of being raped by doctorates.

LBTBQIA+? What's the plus? That's EVERYONE ELSE. Everyone. Everyone else. The gay acronym has become completely retarded and only useful in cult confusion tactics. Yes that includes them too. Everyone. That includes everyone including Tim Pool, high horse Christian Con Serveselfative who went on a monkey business rant against homos saying they all should have been coralled into concentration camps for 5 weeks and that would have stopped the spread. Everyone is included in everything.

Califukufornia's CARB plans to charge gasoline buyers 66.666 cents more for each gallon 3 days after the idiots there re elect another evil clown. Update: they lowered it to 65 cents a difference of 1.666 cents which makes sense as people are spooked by 3 sixes in a row they go crazy when they see it thinking it's covaids.

Why doesn't the clock have 70 minutes? Because if it did there would be a 666 o'clock.

"Remdesivir Papers" health care is sick.

Gilbert producer says men are not big on wooing. Woo who? Scott Adams explains reality. Watch his impression of a straight man waving to the crowd and the gay man waving at 13 min. From 70% trust in doctors and hospitals prior to 2020 hindsight waking up to the medical fraud system to now 40% trust. The PAN demic was a success! Overlarge woman behind JD Vance crushed her chair so wokies and pokies will demand all chairs be double size to be equitable. Scott has a perspective on "Trump polls". Democrats will cheat using overseas ballotts. Kamalalala Land is dumb. She will win because the democrat party is not, it is cunning. Democrats want your free speech, want your protections from assault, and your freedom. It is the California cult party.

In the 1970's the Los Angeles medical community doctors all went on strike. Death rates dropped like a rock. They never did that again! They lost so much billing it almost bankrupted HELLth care. Now when they want raises they just claim there's a new virus in town. This used to be known as medicare fraud and Enron.

Bay area San Fransicko HELL thkare systems all trying the mask stunt again. Will the sheep and people fall for it?

What is corona? The moon has one.

Large pink square represents size of fabric hole - small round pink circle represents size of "virus" - round peg fits easily through huge square hole - public hellth systems want people to believe that wearing face diapers protects them from air -  they have done a stellar job at brainwashing many people but many are now catching on to the medical theatricks used to scare people into submitting to injections of China's chemical waste that protect no one from what does not exist, viruses.

Gas masks as first found fashionable by Kovid in 2019 are making a comback in the bay area "mandated" no less once more at all HELL institutions. They know they couldn't pull it off everywhere so they are going for the captives, the huddled masses of elderly and sick people seeking help who are not strong enough to resist the pressure of the sick system. These Hustlers In Virology *HIV only care about the science fiction not the math, as if any virus even existed, which they do not as they are imaginary, the claim of the science fiction is that the little critters are smaller than the holes in the fabric. No one is going to be so stupid to go along with this political hustle again and again and expect to find and express sanity. It's now October 12, 2024. 

Mandates are not a law and no one has to comply with mandates to cut off oxygen supply, they are making fools of people, they do not care about health they are playing games and producing health care theater. Public officials like that former governor Cuomo of NY or was he mayor of the city, admitted government does not have the power to mandate you cut off your oxygen supply or cover your face with a piece of plastic wrap or face condom which by the way the Health & Human Services secretary back in the 1980's pointed out even condoms don't stop viruses, the fabric latex has holes large enough to let "viruses" through, "it's like leaving the front door open and expecting flies to not come in". No one listened. They all just went with the drama. Well some did. They realized then the whole thing about HIV was to sell drugs, fill portfolios with existential profits, not to care about anyones health.

The logic pesented is just not there. They claim they have the solutions, just inject chemical waste repurposed from China along with polyethelyne glycol [a waterlogged wood preservative] into your body to protect you from one specific variant of "viruses" [dangerous unicorns] then they say wear an air filter. Face diapers are as smart as sucking air from a tail pipe of a diesel truck. HELLth industries claim the person breathing back in their exhaust is healthy.

  Stop the spread. ROFL. They stop the spread of air. They stop the spread of oxygen to the lungs. This was crap-o-take-a-ganda put out by Mariposa County HELLth in 2020. They left out the math. Lowest risk requires 3 masks on each person, they can hardly breathe but they know they are protected from viruses and oxygen. This level protects from dangerous unicorn "viruses" a difference of .000001% but about 22% protection from dust and mosquitoes. Doctors office fumigates with Zyquat B, a variation of Zyclon D used in imaginary wars. This gassing approach in HELLth care settings attacks the lung cells. No one says anything except the canaries after losing job in coal mines they flew to Palm Springs and barely survived the massive wind farm blades that are energy theatricks and white colonists. Public HELLth blames the virus, pHARMa gods trusted over logic and reason. Kaching. No money to fix the guide lines on the street on Indian Canyon Boulevard though, guidelines that now without them visible direct traffic into head on near misses. Those are guidelines worth paying attention to. The ones from public HELLth regarding dangerous unicorns is a part of an insane cult led by portfolioists that only care about the cancerous growth of their money troths. Viruses are tiny round pegs with no trouble forcing themselves through massive square holes in the fabric of face diapers. Stop being retarded. Public HELLth cannot provide evidence of any virus existing anywhere it's all marketing to sell drugs.

Chart shows risk of catching dangerous UNICORNS. The chart fails to show the increased risk of death and disease caused by CARBON DIOXIDE as that's their business to make you sick and keep coming back for more. Kaching. They are billing experts.

No official at CDC, FDA, or any of these hellth departments in the state have any documents proven any virus exists. So let's get this LBGTQIA+++ we are again being told to fake protect ourselves from what does not exist? Something up with that what could it be?

James Roguski on World Hellth Disorganization. James is exposing the governing hell of these treaties in global communist health policy that disconcerns itself with individual health and fully concerns itself with portfolio health.

Wind is bullshit says Tronald. Ban wind. Wind mills are expensive energy. Money is enery. The greentards are crazy.

FEMA rep said it planned to execute around 80,000 people. That is not their job to do that. They do have a job of evacuating people though. The rep must be watching too many crime dramas and movies and his tongue slipped after he stepped on it. Some say this is a froidian slip. He did correct his error. It gave his tongue a good tongue lashing.  

Smart cars bailing before they drive the owner where they need to go? Always dependable in driving you crazy. Wait for it....

 The climate cult forces CAT to make electric chain saws. Government sends palletts of electric chain saws after hurricane to a place that has no power because all the trees knocked down the lines. Priority was saving the air from carbon coming from reliable robust chain saws while disregarding the welcome addition of carbon blown by hurricanes all ending up in the sea where plankton awaits feeding of carbon dioxide to thrive. You see cults never have their priorities straight or gay.

Tesla unveils another ugly smart ass waste of energy. Maybe someday we will see this piece of tub floating in hurricane flood surge on fire like the Tesla did in the recent Florida storm as it was ON FIRE and it set homes on fire along it's way. Yea lets batterify with lithium everything that makes no sense except to stupid people who remain stuck in the climate cult devoted to their scum leader$.

Why aren't the NOT vaccinated dying like flies? None of them are dying. The Kovid vax scene was supposed to make them all slip off the runway. There's no business like vaccine show business.

Man claims he has seen a picture of a virus up close. His name is Peter. He may have seen a picture but it's more accurately described as an ink blot. Dr. Peter McCullough who is married to, and make no mistake he is deeply devoted to pHARMa, is now spouting out against healthy foods and MAHA. He's such a con man. He's a multimillionaire and makes all his money from pHARMa and the hell TH care industry that practices medi SIN which is a DISASTER while pretending to be a champion of freedom. He's a "most prominent and influential leaders...." the host says but he's better described as a fast talking sleasy salesman in medi SIN sepsis. In this episode falsely claims he's the only one that saw problems with "covid" and vaccines. Liar! He cites this study and that study, based on junk science. Influences committees in governing since the start with these junk research papers. Blabbers about "messenger RNA" as if it's real. He's been called out on his lies by Christine Massey who's compiled responses to the simple question "Do you have any proof using VALID SCIENCE that viruses exist" to FDA, CDC, Dr. Peter McCullough, and hundreds of institutions world wide and none have the proof. He's a cardiologist selling his "wellness" kits. Reminds us of multi level marketing schemes selling soap and herbs at high cost using carrots. He does say one thing right, not to give vaccines in the hospital "they are not treatments" but he's also wrong about that, they are treatments for doctors portfolios, it keeps them from being mansionless and Mercedesless. Wait he gets two things right, vaccines all cause inflammation. But he promotes viricides (pesticides) inhaled up the nose while trashing them which cause inflammation which is typically referred to as double speak and talking out of both sides of one's blabber mouth. HE CLAIMS HE HAS NO FINANCIAL INTEREST! WHAT HORSESHIT. Oh it's not him that has the interest it's his FOUNDATION. Ah yes we know about foundations they too speak out of both sides of their mouths. He klaims "we measure spike protein antibody" there are no spike proteins that is a sleasy sales pitch there is no spike test. The host wished he could make some profit from all of his work. He makes millions. In bed with pHARMa. Shannon Joy is clueless. McCullough pitches he's probably got the most "tweets". Claims he never called a colleague "an idiot". Notice his SMIRK when he tells how he was being attacked about selling drugs that were referred to as horse medi SIN, this was a moment of truth where his face did not lie it showed he knows he was pushing medi SIN chemical treatments which have their own sets of dangers! Hydroxychloraquine [as in hydrogen peroxide with quinine and chlorine] and Ivermectin [has dangerous effects]. When modern a medi SIN says "side effects" know that's a cutesy sales pitch naming scheme to describe what is really dangerous effects. On McCullough's substack page he presents the standard nonsense of virology's rampant abuse of language, naming things that don't exist with variations. Did you catch HKU1 this year? Or was it OC43 or NL63 or 229E or any one of 666 trillion other variants that do not exist except in the minds of this scam medi SIN industry. Not once in 4 years of watching this hustler pitch his wares have we heard him say anything about the dangers of coffee and pesticides such as those used to spray crops and spray little kids noses instead he promotes them. Listen to his MAHA analysis pitch at 45 min.

Coronavirus Infection
Four Seasonal Colds HKU1, OC43, NL63, 229E, May Explain Why Some Faired Better than Others

He smirks again as he starts talking about MAHA and those who claim there can be poisons in our food and medi SINS calling it a deflection. He loves blaming the "covid" vaccine for everything. Claims he was shocked hearing this from Robert F. Kennedy (leaves out the Junior) but Kennedy has been calling out the poisoning of everything by sleasy corporations for decades. McCullough knows this he's a con man he's not stupid. So as he trashes "the vaccine" for harming people, BECAUSE IT'S POISON, he trashes Kennedy for calling out the poisoning of the public and diverting attention away from his hustle hustle hustles that are making his foundation millions. He reminds us of the kid who got hold of an Avery Labelmaker and couldn't stop making labels. This problem is rampant in modern a medi SIN. There's not enough people to take these things away from them!

He makes weird expression at 51 min when the host trashes MAFA for calling corn syrup as very destructive. Sugar has been written about for centuries as causing destruction you would think he would be doing that also if he was sincerly concerned about public health but none of these creatures are that concerned as there's not much money in calling out sugar as destructive. McConya says "who are these people and where were they in 2020". They were everywhere except they were then kicked off all platforms.

Oh here's a doosie! He looked up one of them, says "she's a resident" as a condescending critique. This is hilarious! We looked up McCullough's credentials, he too was a resident, a resident cardiologist. A resident is not an expert by any stretch. Claims Russia does not have any health statistics that can be relied on. This twerp cannot be relied on. Claims diet and exercise fails so he's there to pick up the pieces with modern medi SIN's poisons. He claims Making America Healthy Again Claims everyone is equally unhealthy and equally unobese. What a character. Funny how she starts messing with her papers at this point and just nodding and agreeing not even looking at her monitor and not really listening to his drivel. He claims it's the "biggest bunch of bull [shit] to claim that America is less healthy". He calls making america healthy again a distraction from "the main issue of vaccines" you see he uses that fear campaign to do his own version of MAHA to sell his $300 multi level marketing spike treatment kits. Host gets into SD40 fragments and spiked unicorn nonsense. Never do any of these people hyping up fear porn on injections even begin to point out the minute amounts so small they can't even be seen under a microscope of these imaginary modified RNA fragments smaller than dust while they give these unicorns imaginary powers to rule the body, it's science fiction. It's not science fiction to point out the massive measurable quantities of sugar ingestion and the Gulp Oil Slicks that wreak havoc. McCullough emphasises free will to ingest sugar coated flakes. He's never seen anyone with heart conditions from frosted flakes he says, that is because this man $ee$ what he wants to $ee as do many in the modern a medi SIN industry. Claims to make america healthy all vaccines must be removed from market first. We would not agree with "first" unless vaccines are given daily like Gulp Oil Slicks and sugar and point out his not mentioning he promote$ vaccines shoved up noses (rape). Stop all virus pesticides like those that McCullough routinely injects against little kids wills up their noses and down their throats but quicker than that is pulling all sugar slick cereals off markets and only provide unraped GRAINS for food, grains are cereal. That is all that is necessary for existence is whole grains, vegetables, fruits, meats, some dairy. All this sugar infused crap is garbage. McCullough a resident cardiologist and administrator goes on to disparage the person in the MAHA movement as probably going to be kicked out of the residency program and that's why she became an entrepreneur and other crap to put himself on that pedestal he always preaches on. Incredibly disingenuous. McCullough claims he had 3,000 doctors under him. He's a manager. He's a politician! He's part of the orchestra!

Here at 1 hour 2 min he plays a slick little twist on things inferring that what MAHA is doing is like the Charles Schwab global reset garbage of controlling food, what a crafty little guy and Ms. Joy agrees in entirety. ROFL.

Peter McCullough never references papers by Peter Duesberg.

There's a great song from the 1970's "Smiling faces.....they lie".

E123: Story-time: HIV/AIDS, The True History & The Viral Delusion featuring Michael Wallach and view on Robert Wilner who offered the presss he would publicly inject himself with "deadly virus" tainted blood to prove it wouldn't kill him. Watch his five part documentary The Viral Delusion.

The Perth Group statement on "the virus".

Florida residents were reporting a purple sky. There are a few interpretations on this, blue and red make purple, this means Florida will have two presidents one democrat and one republican. Another comes from TV news weather services pointing out their models were showing red, blue, and purple and their maps are overlays so when the people were looking up that is what they saw from underneath.

Lieutenant Dan rides out the hurricane and survives on his boat in the bay. He listened to GOD not "authorities". God said to be there on the boat. Mayor in one of the towns told the public "You need to be out of there or you're dead." Kinda over the top don't ya think hon. Obviously a democrat. Republicans are more level headed with preparing, managing, responding to infrastructure damage than democrats they all flail their arms like chicken little. Millions remained and are not dead.

Florida remains a red state. 92% of the country is blue. As you will see at the link this refers to power outages. Democrats that keep pushing another of their many illusions of democracy claim this is disinformation. They would spend trillions of your shrinking dollars to stop it maybe even going as far as destroying which was hacked and not showing history any more as is is as that would not be democratic.

Instead of predicted official 15 foot flooding surges of massive walls of water the waters receded. ROFL. The man on the boat almost had to ride it out on land.

 Turns out the medias and public officials as usual hyped what was imagined 2b coming based on MODELS.

Kovid was a model. Shows how people let their imaginations runaway.

Viruses are all models. Wakey. It's all a show business song, dance, cash registers.

No major flooding any where 5pm eastern time.

Sarasota shows small area of 6ft or greater flooding previous day massive amounts of red markings that indicated there would be greater than 9 feet most of the most lowest lying areas near big body of water is 3 feet

sustained winds only 61 mph

its beginning to look like the models were all hyped just like covid-19.666 which does not exist as a threat to any being


Tornado touched down at St. Lucie Sheriffs headquarters at Fort Pierce ON THE EAST COAST!

Home in Florida not insurable because, get this, they have climate reversing SOLAR PANELS installed on the roof! The insurer that won't insure states they worry about the power going backwards to the power company and shocking someone along the way. Been trying to warn the public for 2 decades now about all the climate scamming but they rely on their trusted septic systems called tell-lie-vision to provide all the re-presentations they need, all presented by sales pitchers who only care about the climate of their portfolios.

This is weird, Florida hurricane hitting the west coast and there's almost no power out. The power is going out directly east! Port St. Lucie, Jupiter, Okeechobee, even down to Palm Beach county. Peggy Hall is there for some weird reason.

Indian River county is almost completely out of power ON THE EAST COAST! The hurricane outer bands have only arrived there after traversing over the state. If the west coast is in such danger as seen in this next photo presented on National Weather Service 5 pm eastern time on Wednesday why is the power going out minimally there that's not possible it's claiming huge destructive tidal surges.

The human heart is not a pump. It's better described as a vortex. A pump has a motor. A heart does not have a motor. A pump has an impeller. The heart does not have that. Dr. Tom Cowan wrote the book on this though I'm not sure if he put those statements in his book. When you think of your heart as a pump and worry about a heart pump malfunction it can cause more worry and when you think of it as a vortex it's different, it's like knowing there's a number of forces at play. Like when a water is in a vortex. Today Tom speaks about the nonsense of DNA and the scare stories on "modifying our DNA" and when you realize there is no DNA it's like a relief as all the fear games spinning around the belief in DNA which is merely an acid with a fancy name, we tend to go on a better path of wellness. Heredity exists it's not a question of that. DNA is a total fraud. Tom has a grrrrrreat way of showing off all this fraud making us laugh which is better medicine than what is usually prepromiscribed by modern a medi SIN and HELL th departments all too focused on billing and portfolio building.

 33 years ago Dr. Wilner warned of the pharma genocide orchestrated by a.faudidae sepsis. He parallels "aids epidemic" and what happened preceding WWII and NIH and septic medias. They put a killer drug out to the public. His book "Deadly Deception".

 NEVER believe any wind or solar hustle that claims "the electricity generated by the park could cover up to half of [your town here] annual electricity consumption"

23 and me sending in HORSE spit for testing testing testing

They sent in horse "DNA" to the company where all the board has resigned and they got back their results showing the horse is a human. Tom Cowan has at length and proper sciencely explained the problems with DNA at it's core of claims being yet another junk science measure.

1000 years of lies about PAN demics

Just as Kenedy says the CDC and NIH are vaccine companies

pFizer nor Moderna (all owned by the same worldwide investment portfolios) do not own the patents?

$100 MILLION US navy ship sinks in 2024

Ship ran aground.  Hasn't happened for decades when ability was ALWAYS the priority. Woke policy in action as priority over ability?

Hurricane MILTON heading for Tampa.

9+ foot of flooding RED AREAS in Tampa Bay. Click on the image to go direct to the national hurricane center.

Areas at sea level like homes shown here with canals right at their back yards could become completely submerged.

 Self driving cars not rushing in to help the victims of the North Carolina hurricane disaster. Only robust fuel based vehicles, helicopters, etc. swooping in immediately. There is no electricity. It's not possible to truck in electricity like gas and propane. That's another of many reasons wind and solar are junk energy. And cold weather is coming, power lines are down and the robust effecient fuels will be brought in to keep people warm. Fuels like WOOD will already be there and easily accessible. Chimney Rock North Carolina small river town damaged video shows one dead horse. No smell of dead bodies. Smell of rotting food from stores. Smell of propane. Much damage. No looting. Community is out and about fixing things and policing itself.

Imagine the next earthquake in Los Angeles it falls into the sea. "They were warned!" This of course is fake news as there is no sea for it to fall into. There is an ocean but that is also not physically possible for it to fall into it the plate is massive and all connected. There was a 4.0 earthquake during the night to the east of this megaopolis in Ontario that people did feel and it woke them up during the night. If the big one ever comes after California transitions it's energy from robust to handicapped it's doomed. All these hustlers of "clean energy transition" that claim utopia when Los Angeles and the world is all self driving cars are lunatics. There isn't even a single electric powered tractor or electric chain saw helping out in these destruction events. Oh wait, there's ONE. When it runs out of power they put it down and reach for the gas powered one as the power is out. If Los Angeles has the "big one" earthquake and only has electric cars as the California claims it needs to surgically TRANS form to only electric so as to identifiy as something it only illusionates as being an identity as equal to robust non-handicapped fuels, it will be a disaster way beyond it's initial disaster. A large city must both identify as and actually be a working function set of parts that are strong and robust for daily existence and in particular when the power goes out. Decarbonization is a cult.

To scare people this Halloween we will dress as the FDA and many other acronyms.

Demonicrats continue to show what wolves they are as the most prominently known ones like Hillary Clinton who lost presidential campaign to the more balanced Trump in 2016 are babbling a non-sensical "threat to democracy" cult chant she is actively calling for SUPPRESSION of free speech. Democrats used to be representative of free speech, at least that's how they displayed themselves, but maybe that was all a charade in the 1960's on up. She and others now make bizarre claims as do others like David Knight a republican with their distortions of reality. For example David thinks Google owned YouTube is a "public square". Even in real public squares there are limits we all know about and work within. High on another egomaniacle sales pitch Hillary is blabbering that all of the internet needs control by her from her computer in a basement where she can read everyone's emails but no one can read hers. Delusionists everywhere. Either that or they are all hustlers.

Starting Halloween 2020 and each Halloween after many were tricked instead of treated by PAN the demic god of mischief and debauchery of the junk science of virology.

Discover a new adventure through The Desert Home life styled portal. 

We support good nutrition and intact living and call for an end of the child abuse of amputation of the baby boy's most sacred body part.

EPA said at the start of kovid-19 to kill viruses use citric acid a natural product. So instead of chemicals that kill lung cells such as sQUAT, we went looking for the easiest to obtain citric acid product. Turns out Gatorade is all you need to kill viruses. Although it's been proven in court that viruses don't exist those who never listen to anything but pharma financed news will not get the message that there's no need to obsess and kill dangerous unicorns and they will say "well just to be safe" and you say safe from what and they say "well something is causing it" and they will never let go so at least have a bottle of Gatorade handy when ever there is a need to pretend you are killing viruses for them as you can say "EPA confirms that citric acid is in Gatorade and it kills viruses".

Nasal swab assault search and seizure. Why give permission for that. Risky. Can damage you. Just blow in a tissue and hand them that. If they say they can't use that then pack your bags and end that relationship. Inspired by Peggy Hall today June 4 2024.

What if the atmosphere above is actually an invisibility shield like this and there is something hidden behind it.

Who said "why don't we blow the system up" and why would anyone say that and about what system?? It was an over exaggeration not literally meant to refer to changing the system rather abruptly regarding how to get people to accept genetically being engineered as a bizarre form of health care.

Bayer CEO oddly mentions how they got the public to believe in what does not exist
talks how health departments and government forced a panic on the public to sell new mode RNA junk science flu shots
the public would never have submitted to without such a panic being created
and now they are pushing get a flu shot and get a flu shot DOUBLE what flu season's used to push
because their flu shot garbage sales have been dropping like Newton's balls
as the public started realizing flu shots don't work so now to keep sales where they were it's
TWO SHOTS of pHARMa junk science repurposed chemical waste goo
In the 1918 "Spanish Flu" doctors of this same kind of junk science gave it's subjects 20x the normal does of Bayer aspirin
that is what killed them all, from hemmorage, they bled to death internally, not a fake ass virus that does not exist
these companies are all corrupt as year after year they keep spreading lies.

Make peace with these dangerous unicorns!
Bankrupt pHARMa. Remove their liability shields. Only they and portfoio$ are immune not you.

Immunity to disease does not exist. We have response systems not immune systems
. Understanding this destroys the foundation of vaccines which has been propped up by stick and mud and lies for thousands of years now. Immunity only exists for corporate.