Today's Date! NEWS

Prepromismaltdistestrz block a colorful rainbow parade. This great.

New Zealand Māori protest the LGBT rainbow parade!
Protesters stole the show. Must be part of it as it's just way too FAB-U-LUST! Serious masculinity. The L's there were drooling. Obviously they saw the indiginous descents just wanted to be included and wildly respected. Oddly there were some hyper pro inclusivists that wanted them gone. Maybe they too were set up to add to the DRAMA. It was the gayest parade I have ever seen. Māori (Māori: [ˈmaːɔɾi] )[i] are the indigenous Polynesian people of mainland New Zealand. Basically everyone there having their fun on stolen land and the protestors were more civil than those who stole the land and continue to use their stolen land. They were given their 3 or 5 minutes to speak like in a city council meeting while all others get to do as they please on stolen land in perpetuity as in those contracts you never read when you pour your lives out on line they will say "well you signed the agreement for us to know everything about you and use it as we please forever". This show is representative of how I look at viruses which put on a good show, well sometimes, except, viruses are only imaginary and the producers of that show the Hustlers In Virology (HIV) are scum.

Never forget what govern meant is willing to do to you at the behest of PSYCHOPATHS who brainwash govern meant to govern you properly. NEVER ALLOW ANY ONE TO FUCK YOU LIKE THIS EVER AGAIN. Sticks up your nose is moderna medi SIN. Why were people so fuckin brainwashed to allow this crap.

Vaccine Harm Syndrome is back should we ban VHS? All vaccines cause harm. The very principle behind vaccines is cause harm to make your body kick into gear to repair the harm so that it's ready next time you are harmed by unicorns. So what causes VHS to be so prevalent and continue through the yearss?

Making Hearts Function As Designed Understood Again.

Foxglove is a flowering plant that is toxic to animals and humans. Pharma long ago gave this to people with heart trouble. Imagine that. It was called safe and effective then. They still do shit like this today. Even the natural health bowel movement does this crap. Here is a vial empty vintage item for sale on ebay for those who enjoy collecting such memorabelia where the more things change the more or less they remain the same as always. Digitalis at wikipedia.

Tom Cowan, MD, Magnificent Doctor xplains The New Biology perspective
that we don't have heart attacks because of blocked arteries. Heart attacks is an entirely different process. Plaque is a protective mechanism. Must learn!

How can cage free chickens be holocausted? The very definition of holocaust includes being caged and cooked like a chicken casserole. Find out how using Artificial intelligence aka marketing garbage and stupidity. There is no virus period. Viruses don't have periods. Bird brains do. Viruses are so smart they only pick a species they prefer. If you believe any of this bird shit in moderna medi SIN you are an idiot. There is a way out of the Being An Idiot Cult. Sure there is.

Roseanne Barr spoke with Dick Gregory when he was alive about fasting. Dick's fasting didn't work out so well, he's finally dead after living 84 healthy years not asking his doctor anything other than "why are you so stupid"? He was a comedian so I think he's ok with us poking some fun. Look how young Roseanne is in the clip. You think she'd have taken his advice! Too bad govern meant didn't start smoking it would have calmed it down, after Kovid fell off the runway, a year later it went psycho. Too bad the people didn't vote in Roseanne for president, she did run. If she was president she never would have pushed all that drug dealing nonsense. Roseanne smoked all through the corona huslte said she never got sick while everyone in her family who didn't smoke got sick, obviously it was the carbon free air that did it. You know carbon in smoke is a purifier. Gee who knew. Dick also made comment about govern meant and how stupid it is with some things. Now we are seeing it do the same things over and over with bad results thinking it's going to be good results this time. All it does is look through portfolio colored glasses it seems.

What is medicine and what is medi-sin? Same thing.

Elon Musk is Hitler. Haha. Even Hitler isn't Hitler.

This type of arm stretch is more natural and more biologically complete than the lame ass other salutes if we can even call it that it's just a nice gesture. People are so brainwashed though from schooling that only provides one perspective and boob boxes they relied on to guide them through The Debaucherous Adventures of Pan and His Demonic they can only think of one thing though as their neurons just take over from the cult programming. By not allowing yourself to do this you are controlled by your masters and your television...... of all things to be controlled by, a plastic box.

Here is an example of moderna medi SIN grooming young people into being "a different sex" which is BIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Hormone blockers to BLOCK what is naturally one's biological sex is medi SIN and there is a profit incentive that makes it unbalanced. Some people get all bent out of shape about this stuff, calling it genital mutilation. The religious folk and some others without a brain like that dude in the Wizard of Oz who no one figured out yet headed moderna medi SIN leave out when moderna medi SIN hacks the fuck off the protective skin around that baby man's sex part thus fucking up his sexual experience for his entire fucking life and this torture cult just keeps hacking away and selling the body parts for Sandra Bullocks face cream. Some people continue to salute modern medi SIN for it's abuse of children and animals. Korean men have to wonder if their body part was ever on that disgusting actors face. The Korean babies have to be in their teens now. She was bragging and making fun of this torture and abuse in the 20 teens. It's now 2025 and Jesus ain't coming back to have this done to him a second time. Religions just don't get it. The STORY of Jesus was about that, for people to stop abusing each other and to STOP ritual sacrifice.

I'm sorry but I find the use of insurance money and tax funds to pay for someone's neurosis of what sex they were born with a waste and improper use of funds. They should accept themselves as their parents bodies made them. Why is that do difficult to understand and accept. There are people who are without food and decent places to live and we are supposed to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on people who cannot accept themselves as they are as if they have a serious birth defect? I'm sorry, that's a big NO. We accept themselves as they are so can they. Play time Halloween every day, whatever, don't make me pay for it. I don't make them pay for my foreskin repair surgeries that do not exist because I was TRANS formed into something I am not. Priorities belong better.

Absorbing what's on TV news is like absorbing a chemical spill. I try to avoid such disasters bus sometimes I am in places or homes where that shit box is pouring out all that chemical and septic waste everywhere and cannot avoid it so if I smell and you find that offensive please try to understand.

THE/VIEW is so retarded. This is why women should not vote. They should just watch TV. Gulf of Mexico changed to Gulf of America is a "more inclusive term" so one of them is happy until Valentines day and all the other times they are never happy. Then we have the retarded Joy Behar has a problem with America named after a white man instead of indiginous French, Spanish, Indian, and gnats. Joy says "this country has been settled by indiginous people, right?" Settled by? That means they came from somewhere else. Duh. She's such a retard. It's always a duhfest on that show. Named after an Italian man she says. Settled by Italians. Also French. Also Alaskans. Also penguins. Also viruses that do not exist.

Retard-o-Crats need to chill. It's like they are having withdrawls from their drug abuse. CNN talks irreversible TRANS procedure on governmeant. ROFL. Tranny my America! You go girls and irreversibly circumcised boys Senate procedure that makes them TRANS. Counting lies? Bring weapons to a political fight? OMG/CHILL

Dick cutting technically is a Senate procedure. They refuse to ban this torture of baby men that permanently makes them transexuals.

May bee this is all just done in Ai. Excuse me Sir, hello, could you please clarify, is that actual intelligence or artificial intelligence, all I keep hering said is Ai this and Ai that as they all keep pulling rabbits out of a hat no one explains anything properly just offering the same crappy sales pitches like "ooooooo a novel was turned into a movie about dangerous unicorns shut down for 2 weeks to slow the spread of unicorns".

Kennedy and Trumps portfolios that make them rich want tele-medi-SIN to replace doctors instead of real people to make them more rich safely and effectively. OMG what is it with the Unintact States of America that were circumsiced at birth that feels the need for so much medi-sin. How the fuck did America even gain strength as a super power and face cream body part supplier 200 years ago without hospitals and so much medi-sin? Maybe it was real horsepower instead of all the artificial horsepower.

Oh look Bernie Sanders who makes millions off pHARMa poisons that killed my friends salutes his charts showing t-shirts that rule the world. Musk was just saluting the audience of people that rule the world. Bernie salutes children being raped by pharma junk science.

Musk did not get US/AIDS funding. Bernie and Poke-a-Haunt-us are making complete asses of themselves. It's hilarious. They are lost in their rape cult because it's their god. Moderna medi SIN rapes healthy blood cells and body parts routinely.

Not one person with a virus brain even noticed Elon was saluting this RULER not any other ruler. This ruler actually gets things done properly with repeatable accurate measures, unlike anything used to measure unicorns as is done in virus hunting expeditions.

 All it can measure is ALL THE MONEY THAT SOCIETY KEEPS POURING INTO THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS and then we fight about what we need money for and there is none and round and round and round the flat Urth we go at a very slow 1 RPD not thousands of miles per hour as that idiot Flat Earth Dave says as he too is too busy counting his money and doing tours. Most of these people should be comedians like Dick Gregory, they are the joke. They could use themselves instead of constantly using other people.

Dick Gregory developed a diet drink called Bahamian Diet Nutritional Drink and went on TV shows to advocate his product to help the morbidly obese. He sold the rights to it to a Swedish company called Cernitin. They sold a product called Flower Pollen (something like bee pollen) but it had the extract of what is in the pollen from flower without the pollen hull is what was claimed as well as claiming it gave people energy though modern nutrition and historical accounts seem to indicate that it's nutrition as a whole and the body processes burning food for fuel is what provides energy not pollen. Those products including Dick Gregory's Bahamian Diet was sold by 'independent distributors' in a multi-level-marketing-scheme. It had pep rallies like Amway and Herbalife. He later regretted selling it to them and eventually bought it back. He was a millionaire.

EPA says citric acid kills viruses so why use chemical warfare?

I now drink lemon water every day instead of consuming pHARMa poisonicides. There is one main problem with all vaccines, it's not RNA/DNA/OMGA it's the liquid and how they RAPE YOUR BODY with it. See what's in there, it's good for cars and for protecting wood. Home Depot or the auto parts store might have it in stock cheaper though these words in front of you do not recommend using it for anything other than what it's labeled for use, while pharmaceutical companies have no problem for using it differently as THEY HAVE IMMUNITY FROM HARM not you. That is why Bobby Kennedy is HHS as he is going after these shit fucks in that industry and will get congress to wake the fuck up and stop these companies from abusing the public with these products by removing their legal protections that started in the AIDS/DAZE of the 1980's when that spell of lies was cast on humanity.

Take Naps critically sizes the over the top drama and facial exxagerations video and he does the same exaggerations all the fuckin time in his videos. Is it the humidity in Floridaa or what is it that causes people to not see the palm trees through the bug in their eye. So funny to watch.

Robots look fake. If they are real can they cook? Buy one of these instead of an illegal alien to make $100 eggs in the morning and you save -$100 trillion. Yea sounds perfect. Fake ass cgi. All have flat feet. They will never pass the military exam.

Could we please see the real cell phone videos from the real people that are in the invited audience in the different areas of this park to prove better that this isn't just fake ass more fake ass computer graphics fakery, it would be much appreciated.

All this money wasted. David Knight who's worthless intro now shows him as a Knight In Shining Armor Standing Serious (KISASS) preaches the gospel of imaginary Jesus as a knight in invisible armor and preaches the gospel of not voting in presidential elections telling us do things local only as it doesn't matter who is president, then he preaches the gospel of how nit picking who ever is president is next to imaginary godliness. I pray he finds a new savior.

A.faucidae is a dumb fuck. Makes up stuff. Chronic liar. Inventor of the shit testing called PCR even said that. "He doesn't know anything about anything, he will look straight into the camera and lie".

40 years of is perverted lies and only now in the 2020 hindsight years is the public figuring this out. That is because fake news television is all owned by portfolios that are powered by your energy expended by deceiving you. Hooray for someone not hustling the public, Kennedy The Bobby Junior as compared to that A.faucidae fungus that took what is a magnifying glass PCR fake test and flailing it around sayin it can see aliens in other galaxies. That really is the extent of his junk science. He couldn't see the forest through the trees that trunks are biology and branches are virology and all ROTTING THE FUCK TO HELL.

Where is Shellenberger getting his money?
He dumped clean energy did it get dirty? Always was dirty money.

Massie says to eliminate mis, dis, mal prefixes to fix things betterer.

Rise trails. The sun rises. There are trails visible. The science proves these are rise trails caused by the sun and dew. Happens after a jet flies by. Simple principles of heat and cold moist air. Like fuckin duh.

To stop their spread govern meant tells the public to shut their business down for 2 weeks and fools all obey. Then they did the same thing when the science spotted virus trails. People never learn. Then we turn on the internet and see people are anal Y zing these to death claiming they are weapons. Dew is uncircumcised mist.

Demons of the spirit world are not the problem.

Wind and solar waste energy they don't make energy.

Bernard Valter keeps talking down to us like we are his dinner.

Is January 27 foreskin holocaust re-member dance day? Intact is much better. Sex with and with out is world's apart. Re-pair-rations are in order. 

Kary Mullis PHD Nobel prize winner on Fauci having no problem lying to the camera.

Virology is mythology.
Viruses are found only in novels. They are fiction. That does not stop people from believing in them though. People will go to great lengths to avoid fiction then dance with it day and night and wonder why they are tired. The inventor of the "test" for hi viruses (HIV) stated this concept of how weird it is that people will go to great lengths to avoid reality as he tried to point out his invention was being improperly interpreted and promoted as being able to do things it cannot do and as it's improperly used for 40 years now the error rate is 97%. Since the corona hustle was used to hustle the public forcefully to bring in new vaccines that mess with your genetics and smushed like shit in the face starting in 2020 we learned it's an error rate of 100% as there are no viruses on this planette. Viruses only exist in the imagination. The only reasons it's used is as a pacifier to calm down people from what fears are installed by moderna medi-sin's constant lies and to make portfolios healthy again.

Smart ass medical surveillance prisons.

Artificial intelligence will monitor everything then tell you to grab an artificial apple for a snack instead of that candy bar that has a serveillance chip implanted in it. Basically we are living in the 1950's again where science fiction was popular and made all sorts of out of real world possibilities predictions that of course never came true. Although these items can have connections and such to the interenet, artificial intelligence is, wait for it, artificial. I love the example of the home heating system thermostats thar are fake ass smart. They are robots. It's easier to walk up to a vintage thermostat and move the lever up or down or dial it right to left and back to adjust temperature or turn it off entirely than it is to have use this smart ass computer crap just to adjust temperature. This Ai junk science smart health system would be so massively complicated with primary goals of PROFIT in medi-sin using inputs of junk data to manage the relationships between the home temperature, your body temperature, what foods can be eaten and not, it's all garbage. To shut things off will be a nightmare. Hellth kare could even mandate these and if you don't you stop getting food deliveries to make you comply and other crap then tell your local store you have to walk 5 miles to as they banned you from driving suddenly is told to shut down for 2 weeks again to slow the spread of unicorns that are novels. As of this writing the bird holocaust caused by Hustlers In Virology continues and has murdered now 666 million healthy birds.

Ozempic chemical fat thining poison is causing blindness
like when a person accidentally keeps getting poison drain opener in eyes that some quack in medi SIN with a license to SIN says it's safe and effective. All any of these shit doctors do is "sound alarms" and people have heard so many now they have become deaf and dumb. Doctors basically have been brainwashed to think we are just a bunch of metal pipes or ones made of latex.

NHS politicians claims he's gettin a HIV test. There is no Hi virus test. Viruses do not exist. There is only Hustlers In Virology (HIV). He has obviously failed the HIV test as he thinks it's all real. Dangerous unicorns are not real.

So basically taxpayers paid for the creation of the Covid-19 virus through USAID and then paid the mainstream media to brainwash them about masks, vaccines, and lockdowns? Yea that's the ticket, oh but there's more! We live in a world free of viruses, the whole thing is a total sham money laundering hustler operation thus all the variants of hustlers laughed their asses off as they stole your assets and made you look like you were the surgeons. Oh there's Shellenberger again acting like he's figured things out when he never figured out for 20 years that clean energy was a similar scam and worse than Enron.

CoalitionAgainstTheSuckersOfSatansCock comments, "our taxes pay for NOTHING.. All govt budget money is created in appropriations when they approve the budget. The big banks absorb your taxes as profits."

Suckers of Statan's cock are molded basically to look like a familiar cock and have much less sugar in them than moderna suckers.

Moderna suckers are also formed into shapes of stupid people who follow orders from lying cons in medi SIN.

These suckers also are formed in the shape of glaciers like Mount Cocks. Satan gets all the credit as he was given Reign of All Cocks when he was kicked out of Heaven for drinking and gambling and calling out the other angels lies. God was pissed. He never forgave him so he sent Jesus down to the planette to forgive him.

This is the flow from Mount Cocks one of the many cocks that Satan took as his form.

Biology's illogical warfare is not new. Govern meant all in. Keep in mind this was presented in the AIDS/DAZE massive propeetakaganda campaigns meant to feed cash cows and give golden geese steroids. Sacoma viruses? There is no such thing but we heard of Karposi's Sarcoma during the 1980's aidsdaze and it was presented as being caused by the hi virus. It's all horseshit in virology. HHS never said there was an absolute virus cause of aids it only said "probable" then that was quickly proven there was no virus proven at all by those with a brain who don't work for propoganda outfits.

Next time anyone in governing pushes surveillance systems to "keep us safe" and "effectively prevents harm and theft" ask these governing bodys why governmeant never set up a surveillance system for pharma rape where only they get immunity. Kennedy is setting it up right now after being asked about safety of vaccines saying "we don't have a surveillance system". There's a prop called VAERS aka vaccine adverse event reporting system that like in a movie set just acts like a surveillance system but is like a fake building with fake cameras to present an illusion while pharma plays it's Game Of Theft aka GOT.

A prop is known as theatrical property. Virology and govern meant has whoreds of props. Computer technology also uses theatrical property they call intellectual more recently named artificial intelligence which is as smart as a bowl of artificial fruit used as a prop in one of it's commercials as seen on tv and movies.

In the movie i Cannibals a French film from around 1969 props were used. The "people" laying down appearing dead could be props of theatrical dummies or real people acting as props.

Science often gets confused when it watches such horror flicks thinking it's all real.

It's like there's one real camera on one corner of the movie set that can't even see anything that's going on where the real movie is being filmed and then spliced and edited so that it presents the STORY as the NOVEL STORY TELLERS want it presented to thrill the audience with endless drama. Still, surveillance is not the solution to this whole performance, though Kennedy knows it plays a bit part. The entire script has to change and part of that is the public has to stop demanding government fix the health problems they create and to stop trusting the junk science and stop relying on The View for medical advice they are all there to play you.

TRUMP halts vaccine mandates where he can such as schools that receive federal funding. Realizes he made a big mistake picking that sick A.faudidae form of hell instead of Kennedy in 2020 hindsight. Great report by Mike Adams but features a stupid artificial intelligence stupid retarded video that makes fun of how moderna medi SIN ruined the lives of billions of people. Kennedy forms task force to reform the vaccine INJURY reporting system. Under the A.faucidae regime. US/AIDS free money laundering bribery cuts are causing HOUSING industry listings homes for sale to flood. Search terms for Swiss Banks and criminal defense attorneys soar. They thought their crimes were like outer space just goes on forever will NASA be next for their lies? Now these scum in governing are learning we live in an atmos not a sphere and their crimes are now visible from everywhere. Delusional-crat-o-rats will be resigning in droves. Many are on suicide watches. Get off my watch I am busy I need to be at work on time doing things that help people. Mike Adams. You go girl. If these senator scums are homeless that would be fun to watch. They are disgusting creatures rasied in the sewers. Rats and swamp creatures are more desirable in governing than these smelly piles of rotting garbage.

The science looks at this photo of a scene in a movie and thinks this is real.

Shellenberger dumped the clean energy garbage as the money is dried up there now has other gigs. On the US/AIDS bandwagon. I don't like the guy. He made money pushing wind and solar farms that have destroyed the landscapes all around the world turning beautiful country sides into industrial handicapped "energy" hellscapes, lives in San Francisco and surely is a multi millionaire, money which RUNS ON PETROL.

David Knight and others beee leeve believing in imaginary Jesus is fundamental to the TRANS formation of America from being a soverign nation run by Indians into an America invaded by Europeans and industry. Although belief in fundamental principles of treating people fairly based on beliefs may be nice at times, let us check our watch and not pray pray pray pray pray as that consumes time, why does David not call out the fundamental problem with allowing and insisting on the rape of baby boys by the medical system where they horrifically amputate the fuck off a perfectly healthy functioning body part a most sensitive and private one based on what they believe will delusionally bring them closer to their beliefs in God or some other weird shit. They lie to themselves and go with the lie presented to them it's a prophylactic to cut off the foreskin which is a prophylactic in itself. They are all delusional.

How can this be justified? Congress has the power to ban this horror why does it not do that? Listen to Daniel Rold explain how it affected him and why it's so wrong. How can people be so brainwashed?

Child hood pHARMa chemical and physical rape schedule to be thrown in the smelly putrid hustle system trash. Wait no, that's just a rue more, it will be TRANS formed into the same old rape system, but using the fake ass genetic modifier label of mrna to con the public with new marketing claims that it's going to keep kids safe from viruses raping them. It's DRAG time story hour, daze, weeks, months, years on and on into infinity in every doctors office, clinic, governing committee where Dr. Peter McCullough dribbles his nonsense and new forms of feeding portfolios using injections of cryptography that pretends to be real money of real value.

Save this life pet microchip company shuts down.
It's so weird how the Amish do not have these problems. So we might start asking how's that digital id thing working out for your pets now? More hassles? New fees? The info may not be registered anymore on the national databases which have probably been hacked already giving the dark web your data. Buyer beware when presidents pitch mega MAGA id chips for humans to save the planet and make life better when they still haven't yet figured out how to house everyone and fix old worn down cities. When they pitch get out of the way and let the ball end up in the river. If the ball lands on the grass pick it up and gently toss it back to govern meant and say "go get it" and see if it barks. So much of this crap is about portfolios not actually fixing what needs most to be fixed.

In the "spanish flu" of the early 1900's the hell th system used tax money to study viruses in water. Ever notice these hustlers never call it American flu or Texas flu or Washing Ton DC con game flu or the name of the village that they "found" that special never seen before on TV flu. They looked for it everywhere finally using up all their grant money from US/AIDS funding of fluffing the public for profit. They quickly shifted around their requests and got more money for studying viruses in swimming pools. They saw this old photo from a movie set in 1932 under their mascroscope aka eyes and said that the science tells them the pool was filled with milk and there were viruses there that turned the water into wine then when the cow jumped over the moon and took a piss it changed into milk. This is exactly the way virus hunting works in real life, they make stuff up. Virology is a stage, we are their players, they make up the scripts and tell us when it's time to roll em. In real life we are tawt to be chicken littles by the producers, we are placed under the tree of biology where the branch of virology is rotting and about to fall on our heads and under other biology trees already has and killed people. The crew of course behind the scenes know that the pool was filled with a powder that makes it appear milky. Showtime. In twenty-19 Kovid appeared to start the performance by introducing the suggestion that wearing a diaper on your breathing holes instead of your shit hole only when you were a toddler keeps you safe from the shit that these performances of hunting dangerous unicorns in the science dump on the public via that new boob tube that moved these runaways into your home.

Katherine Austine Fitts talks and warns against digital id and monetary systems based on digital money.
One thing mentioned was the govern meant could stop you from buying a pizza digitally, blocking your ability to pay on a whim if you violate their algorythm of governing. We can also imagine this really out of control in so called "health care" as if there's a concern and declaration of a food contamination warning or recall this could even include a pizza that MAY have contained the ingredient. You're standing there in the pizza shop in small town it's the only place open, your power went out in your neighborhood but not at the pizza place, HHS computers shut down anyone buying pizza anywhere with in a 700 mile radius, it's all there is to eat anywhere near you and the transaction will not occur and the shoppe will not give it to you afraid they'd be sued and fined. Months later the govern meant admits it was a false alarm. This could be even worse next imaginary threat. Government has for 100+ years and especially the last 40 nauseating A.faucidae variant governing in hellth years not even figured out viruses are unicorns and look what the paranoia did in 2020. Swiss government is putting forth laws that protect it's people's inherent right to live a non-digital life.

Touching the phallus of baby man to cut part of it off is a covenant between man and god? Who came up with that crap?

"The practice was to debase the victims and render them unfit to take part in the worship and mysteries".

Pompous ass holier than thou Fox News reports US/AIDS sent $3 million to a Palestinian rapper to help him create free expression in song as a means of communicating the horrors of what is being done to them by rich pompous asses with all their assetts. Fox News is garbage. They suck pharma money. Owned by pharma. Spread the lies of dangerous unicorns as the sickos started their brainwashing plan of a new fake ass dangerous unicorn variant and that pharma was the only way to get your life back that they all participated in stealing from you.

NASA "can't go back to the moon they destroyed the technology" and yet the White House says it will cure cancer by going to the moon. This is again another pile of crap spurred on by quest for money and hustle using computers and medi sin's lies.

Buyer beware. This promise of ending cancer as we know it is a marketing pitch for money as it always is. Trillions have been wasted on this junk science that avoids real causes of disease and cancer. Our cities rot of governing cancer while all this money goes to developers, doctors, insurance executives, and these ancillary industries instead of healing our society where it matters, such as safe and effective daily living.

Congress thing-a-ma-gig-o-crat sets up web site to teach illegal aliens how to avoid being deported. How much does the taxpayer that clearly voted the shit-o-crat party out of power pay this babbling piece of governing crap again?

~Man In A Bar~

Next time someone blabbers about minorities and such.....

Nick fuentes is gay.
Just sayin. Nothing wrong with being gay though when he reports that if you are dating a girl for more than 3 years you're gay he says it with that inflection as if something is wrong with you by being gay. Podcasts alone in a room is straight. That is said with that inflection as if something is wrong with that. It's becoming real clear now that Nick is putting on a reely big show. Anyone can do that from their internet closet.

Safe and effective at what? 400 confirmed deaths every year from vaccines is safe? 38,000 reported deaths from pHarma corona vaccines is safe and effective? No that is risky and very questionable. Del Bigtree show Thursday February 13, 2025 episode 411 as in the information you need right at your fingertips. Myocarditis and periocarditis is used in the report and is used by Peter McCullough a lot but those are the same thing, inflammation of the heart, which happens to people in life, and many times with no need for concern, why can't they just say that? Because we might then think all we need to do is take an aspirin and get some rest, instead they make it a much bigger deal using new words people are not familiar with. Peter McCullough as disingenuous as he is as he hustlers his onion power cures for inflammation preparedness instead of cheap aspirin, and treating and preparing for dangerous unicorn assaults on the body while also promoting insecticides sprayed up kids noses making big money from his pharma daddies, seems to have made these two terms popular as he's been at many of governing committee spreading his hustle and junk science. At least we had a real safe and effective confirmation of Kennedy for HHS.

Orange Head Bad Man signs order to reinstall plastic straws in the environment as they make great homes for tiny critters and assists in making the envionment better. Who knew bad could be so good. Uncircumsiced plastic straws are reusable more than plastic bags. I have one I have reused over 100 times since last summer. As soon as smoothie season rolls in it will be another 100 uses. In response to saving lives, saving smoothies, saving expensive suits and dresses, saving the enviroment by bringing back reliable long lasting reusable plastic sturdy straws, some libtards are claiming they will be leaving the United States in hysterics and not going to Canada as that too might be taken over by the United states as a 51st.666th state so they plan to land on Uranus and live there. After 4 years that might be the only thing Trump actually accomplishes though other than making people slaves even more with digital identification where you can not escape their digital prison.

Jimmy Dore talks about hate boners that arise. Instead of having such hate for Trump the progressives should connect with him on the things that Trump does that are progressive. There is a massive opportunity for the democrats. Fantastic discussion and suggestions Episode 2/14/25. A commenter posted "a well fitting mask can reduce air born pathogens". Let's look up pathogen, The term pathogen came into use in the 1880s.[2][3] Typically, the term pathogen is used to describe an infectious microorganism or agent, such as a virus dangerous unicorn, bacterium, protozoan, prion, viroid, or fungus.[4][5][6]

I crossed out virus and viroid as those have never been proven to exist. Bacterium, protozoans, prions and fungus do exist and are in the air everywhere on Earth 24/7 they are not a threat. Some information on ODD masks here.

Trump appoints a veterninarian to planning more pandemics and more pendemics. He was part of Bill Gates drug hustle empire. Do not call him a czar call him another BULLY. David Knight says there you go there's your next Fauci. There was never a real pandemic. It was a fraud to make corrupt money. They're going after our food supply as the humans are not going to wait in lines nor shut their businesses down again. We will have to see if Kennedy starts the process of stopping this Horseshit In Virology (HIV). 

Democrats all voted against Kennedy for real intelligence head of HHS thus proving once and for all they are all shills for pharma cash and only care about the health of their party hearty not of the public. Kennedy and mothers and so many kids want all products to be absolutely safe, not this crap of experimenting on people or animals to only make claims of merely "relatively" safe which can mean not safe. Girl Scout Cookies are not even safe. Contain pesticides and heavy metals including aluminum and lead. Woo hoo. Those cookies can go to hell in a handbasket of real love and and real kisses and visit in the oven there with artificial intelligence and come back when they are all fired up with intelligent design that does not harm us. Their original plan was to encourage kids to be with mom and grandma and bake at home. CEO's make from 1/2 a mil to almost 1 mil per year in dollars. Too much. Glycophosphate is an industrial pipe cleaner, someone spilled it, saw it killed plants, this led to mutant vegetables being covered in this so insects die the plant doesn't, and washing it off and sending the food to market doesn't remove it all. We eat glycophosFATE every day now. Bobby has won lawsuits against them in the past. Big agriculture wants the same legal immunity as vaccine companies. STOP.

She learned Santamerica is n't real. Calm down. It will be ok dear. It's like when men realize what was done to their dicks by horrors of those sick cutting societies, they live, they get through the emotional pain, they already went through the physical pain of the slicing off of that healthy private body part, even though their life will never be the same, especially their sex life, due to what evil men and women did to them in moderna medi SIN and continue to do to other HELPLESS VICTIMS.

STOP calling it autism, it's Vaccine Brain Injury and STOP calling it side effects it's direct effects of harm ya poisoning. In jecting waterlogged wood preservative and anti-freeze which is what makes up 99.666% of that liquid poison syringe fill is stupid.

Before falling in to any trap again of any-other-fake-a-demics keep in mind "emergency powers" are a myth and the First Amendment does not grant the freedom of speech, it just guarantees it, because it comes from our humanity, our inate qualities of being human. Great short article found at The Ron Paul Institute.

Kennedy returns from the grave threat of not being HHS head.

They did not expect him.

"For 20 years, I’ve gotten up every morning on my knees and prayed that God would put me in a position where I could end the childhood chronic disease epidemic in this country. On August 23rd of last year, God sent me President Trump." - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on February 13, 2025.

He made a wish and it came true.
Maybe there is a Genie Bernard Valter an artist in Sweden says. He went out with family for a special and expensive lovely dinner to celebrate Kennedy nomination win.
I don't understand why Bernard now sits at a kitchen table LOOKING DOWN AT US changing his format entirely he used to sit across from us like we were friends having been cordially invited to his warm and cosy living room with the fire thing going in the background and the logs all stacked at the wall and ever changing display of one piece of his art. This new approach is awful. It's like he's a parent and just demanded we eat our peas and carrots. Why do so many cadposters do this, they get bored and make stupid changes. How he had it before was great.

Vaccine companies are about to have liability for their products. They haven't had liability for harm since the 1980's when the public was duped into believing giving ONLY pharmaceutical companies IMMUNITY would protect them from dangerous unicorns. Humans never get immunity from harm from dangerous unicorns. Immunity has always been a marketing fraud. Humans and animals only have response systems they don't have immune systems.

Why would anyone roll up their sleeve to be raped by pHARMa. That is not how they did it before. They injected vaccines right into tits. This was the most safe and effective way to get that pHARMa puss into people's bodies.

Maybe this was just done like this in the military somewhere in the world. Women's equality groups need to step up and demand it be done this way for them too. Hey Sandra Bullock, maybe you can make fun of this too like you did with those Korean baby boys protective dick hoods you wear on your face to "look pretty". Maybe you and best bud Ellen can but won't start pointing out the inequality of this, that men are treated better than women getting those shots of pHARMa puss injected into their tits as once again even though captains go down with ships and always are men risking their lives more than women and children and before it sinks they always put all the women and children on protective life rafts PROTECTION experience and it's purpose of actually saving lives first where they do not slice off the protective rubber, as it too would change the experience of the life raft's experience, as the protective vaccine that does not work gets in the body better from your tits than it does from your arm.

Oh I can see someone getting mad saying that's sexual abuse for a doctor to grab women's tits and inject pHARMa puss into it even calling that rape, as if injecting illegal alien chemical substances isn't, while they delusionally continue believing that a doctor grabbing a boy's dick and then slicing off a protective hood off the baby man's dick is a loving and caring thing to do as the baby screams and BLEEDS as it's strapped down in this sadistic ritual done by doctors in America's Religious Rites Trump Sanity (ARRTS) regime that trumps the basic human rights of all human bodies being left INTACT at birth in a sadistic ritual that happens to baby men every day and Presidents come and go and and accept lavish presents and not one of them does anything to stop the bleeding.

This bizarre amputation ritual is sold as a prevention method of avoiding cancer which never occurs in men in any statistically important to address measure. The sickness of this thinking and salesmanship would be like claiming to avoid skin cancer humans should be skinned. Actually that is exactly what circumcision is. Circumcision is the cutesy term for bloody horror done on children it is sexual abuse and rape and not yet illegal to be done on baby men for some extremely bizarre reason. Is it ok to circumcise a desert home's protective roof taking off about half of it without the owners permission? If not why not?

How can this be justified? Congress has the power to ban this horror why does it not do that? Listen to Daniel Rold explain how it affected him and why it's so wrong. How can people be so brainwashed?

Transgender dogs are demanding govern meant set up new laws punishing those humans that would misgender them. Seems they should offer the same courtesy that most humans do when dogs are misgendered. I still haven't met one dog owner who's dog was misgendered they demand their dog be refer to by the proper pronoun, though some do strongly correct their mistake, they just occasionally politely say the actual physical gender, though many don't even say anything they could care less nor could the dog care. If the person was to keep misgendering the dog they don't ever force any legal action yet humans have this behavior pattern that needs to be corrected and of course shock collars are not appropriate for any creature though it can transform behavior. We know that would be evil as we have seen evidence in the medi SIN community used shocks of green energy to transform human behavior.

Democrats seem to be unhappy. Could it be they are getting a divorce after 40 years and more married to the money they make from drug stocks instead of married to the people's best health? Yea it's even 100+ years of marriage to that money. Warren and Sanders got millions from pHARMa puss sales that's why they are having such fits. Not all artists are happy. Some believe in dangerous uncorns and that the only way to get rid of them is being injected with pHARMa puss products when a dinner out with friends like him would be a better proscription.

Democrat senator compares Elon to what?

Elon Musk's boy moves toward Trump and says "youre not the president you need to go away". LOL. Kids are cute. He's just repeating what people at home around him say, like a parrot, or like the parrots say on fake news after they squawked that over and over again for 4 years. He starts mimicking his dad's hand movements and that gets a laugh for us too. Some nuts will claim the kid knows something, that Trump is really not the President and that's more fun stuff to laugh at. They just mimick like a parrot what's on Bit Chute.

Food stamps. The new tyranny nanny state may look at warping the things that can and cannot be bought with government money. Sugar bad. So the only thing people would be able to buy is rice, flour, water, meat, eggs, canned vegetables, fresh fruit, no pie for dessert after this super healthy meal because nanny says it's bad for you. Comes from a pompous ass Oklahoma senator. Amazing Polly

Foreign borners are fleeing the land of the free where the runners of the free land say freedom has a price so it's not free it's paradox. Some people are all euphoric that Trump is spearing the problem of undesired immigration in the foot while expecting the injured foot to take the whole person all the way back home. They have in their heads this delusion like they have of viruses that sending them away fixes things. Their delusions will not allow the entry be yonder the log in their eye border wall any evidence to the contrary such as what happens now to the legal child and legal mother that were relying on the illegal father working at low wages to keep the two of them alive and well. Nope. All they care about is winning. It's an ongoing problem with humanity all ong with their delusions that Jesus is a real person and not an invention of the ROMAN EMPIRE that continues to this day to keep them under control as good little Christians who's heads keep spinning. Yea, that kinda was a Hollywood joke thrown in there in The Exorcist. I love movies. The world's a theater.

Kennedy wins nomination. He is new HHS chief officer sworn in. 1000x better than the shit that was there for forty years that took care of investors health as it's main priority. Now take his orders and get healthy. Go eat that carrott. Junk news all say "prominent vaccine sceptic and conspiracy theory bla bla bla puke puke" same old junk coming out of all these septic stream publications all funded by drug money. Kennedy is now secretary, as secretary we might question "does he take shorthand?"

Here's how freek-a-zoid-o-crats think Bobby will act, like doodle Bob aka AI Bob, watch.

At least doodle Kennedy will not be sponging off everyone like Doodle E-i-e-i-o-acrats.

Maybe Doodle Bob as he rides off into the seaset will use his pencil to beat the fuck up the laws that allow govern meant to beat up people with poisons from the air as he notices those poison sprays laying on top of the water surface and creating clouds in the water making him cough. Dr. Jane Ruby is astonished as she reports from above water that there is a law that allows govern meant to experiment on huge populations by spraying from the air.

Top Agricultural activist Zen Honeycutt exposes toxins in an American staple: Girl Scout Cookies. I stopped buying those when I realized they are bullies. Why aren't the boy scouts there seeling their wares equally right next to the girls? They bullied the Boy Scouts in court for stupid claims of sexism and other crap. That made me puke up all those thin mints I ate since a child. Buy from better organizations. 

There is no hiv test as there is no virus.

Amish farmer Amos Miller successfully defended his right to sell raw milk outside Pennsylvania, highlighting the broader battle for food freedom. People don't want pharma puss in their milk any more.

Castle owner refuses huge payout to house migrants says it would ruin the village. Where is this money offered coming from? Why does government want to ruin villages? Something is up. Public is getting wise to these games.

Thursday is Nomination Of Kennedy Day slanged NOK'D, he's expected to pass in the house then goes to senate to pass. I will believe it when I see it and not until then if he passes the test then White Housecleaning goes wild in HELL t.h. compartment services which only served the drug dealers legally. What does that say about laws? We drive by drug dealer's stores often next to food markets that are tainted with chemicals and think nothing of it? Kennedy's first plan is to remove RED/DIE from foods. Removing any DIE from anything shoved down our throats sounds pretty good.

Over 100 democrats in congress vote to support taxpayers pay to support their drug stocks by supporting the government providing OZEMPIC drug for fat asses that can't stop shoveling junk food down their throats thus creating my Gulp Oil Spill Horrors aka my GOSH and their proscribed OZEMPIC drug habit costing $1500 per month. Kennedy speaks on this drug dealing horror. That is a $18,000 dollar a year drug habit. Costs the drug company a dollar to make. No the answer is not trying to get drug companies to lower prices that never happens. Just stop funding it. If all obese take these prescriptions, the cost will be $3 trillion per year. Is this not the very definition of racketeering? The TV is plastered with these ads now brainwashing the masses again and again. Same thing was done with AIDS drugs for a virus that DOES NOT EXIST. That drug killed all my gay friends in that holocaust. It saved portfolio lives of many in congress. Those portfolios need OZEMPIC which has a side effect of death. They are huge and gobbling up everything in sight.

More "apolcalypse files" and lies from the Berwick & friend$ FEAR/PORN channel.

Palm Springs roads open or closed? What time is is? 11:58 am or 12:00 pm. The headline read "Indian Canyon, Gene Autry back open at wash in Palm Springs" but that's not what the report video said and the times were off by 2 minutes in this age where things are now being run artificially intelligent.

Artificial intelligence is like that road to nowhere that Sarah Palin was warning people about and now USAIDS is upset because all the money for the millions of roads to nowhere built are being unfunded. If you think artificial intelligence is going to help you get well think of it like this, you think health care is bad now with talking to artificial receptionists on the phone and getting appointments set up or cancelled you ain't well if you think more of the same crap is going to make it better for anything other than these sales pitchers portfolios. The artificial intelligence will think you are a pig trying to make wellness checkup and direct you to a slaughter house. Now just hope you are not riding in a fake intelligent car that drives you instead to a wood processing mill for a checkup. Real intelligence of Bobby Kennedy is a much better bet. Get ready for a great ride.

In England she waits for the light to turn green. She's on a sidewalk. She's not crossing traffic. They film it and laugh. Actually they did not film it as no one films anything any more they phone it.

Lab leak nonsense is another song and dance of the medi SIN establishment that works only for portfolios and pharmaceuticals that have NO LIABILITY FOR HARMING YOU. Imagine someone tells you there's a dragon heading your way, they describe it, they draw pictures, they never provde any proof that the dragon actually exists. That's VIROLOGY. It's a total sham. All they ever prove is ones and zeros in a computer lab. THAT'S ALL THERE IS. It's fiction. That's why they cleverly call it a NOVEL virus. FICTION.

Dinosaurs are real though, Senator Scheumer blabberd on and on against Kennedy today in the confirmation hearing. Crap about vaccines as if they have ever been proven to be safe and effective using ABSOLUTE science instead of the conspiraciry theory of relativity. Dumping his fear porn like an STD on us.

Secretary of US department of agriculture vote today for some gal.

Senator D-Ron Wyden speaks and trashes Kennedy. The D stands for Delusional. Democrats are liars and delusional and disingenuous manipulators. They are devoted to their religion of pHARMa and vack scenes as part of all their never ending drama.

When are doctors going to be prescribed a ban on genital mutilation of baby men? The doctor cuts off his man hood and sells off this healthy body part for profit, for research or Sandra Bullock's face cream. It ruins the man's entire experience of sex for life. Then one day they turn on the TV for entertainment and find Ellen features Sandra laughing about slathering baby Korean's foreskins all over her face and the audience laughs along with them because they rehearsed this skit perfectly but the man does not laugh in fact he becomes horrified that of all people, sell-e-brities would laugh at their sexual abused having been done to them as a child and then they find out that it ruined their entire sex life and NO ONE IN POWER STOPS IT in fact they love it. It's pretty sick.

Maybe it's because these people think using spinning balls in space as their logic which messes up the connection to the brain.

Bill Gates has acquired half the farm land of the USA. Hoarding land is like hoarding maneure and piling it up beyond higher than it can go so high saying to your friends you want to climb all that shit some day and be king of the mountain yet it cannot even be reached anymore as fertilizer of all the land surrounding it that's not functioning anymore. Multi generational farms are threatened by the previous bureucracies. Billionaires are weirdos.

Brits keep demanding their government that serves not them but only serves the portfolios of carbon penalty schemes and of course their government refuses to listen so they cut down the ULEZ cameras and the public is refusing to pay the fines.

Unemployment at 24% under Biden. Democrats spread lies as they always do. Tim Pool does his version of the hustle same as tv news and other news outlets he "calls out" that social security is "processed in a mine" as is the media buzz. The Devil is playing cards laughing at his stupid beanie that hides the hole in his head. When the drug hustlers dumped POX on the gays in 2022 when the PAN hustle was falling apart this piece of shit threw the gays under the Mack truck traveling at warp speed, screaming in his annoying voice that they should all be quarantined for 5 weeks and that would stop the spread. He's an idiot and hustler. They call it success. I don't. That's the game for all this eyball attention hustle folks.

Flash back to the 1980's Hustle in Virology HIV lie hysteria. The most intolerant gay community overactivists and the other letters threaten violence and demand government fix it. Democrats best and brightest marketing arms of pharma and friends riled them up constantly. The Hi virus hustle FAKE ASS VIRUS that does not exist was used by corporate big money medi sin. The demands were for drugs. That was their first mistake. It was first acronym'd GRID, Gay related immune deficiencey acronym syndroome nonsense, a grid that morphed into being Acquired by the brain and TV shit news jumped in and for 666 corona years coming home from a long day at work was met with terror and fear of how the fake ass virus was spreading. They showed living corpses rotting with AIDS which is a new label not a new disease to ramp up the fear. Now we have a sancutary city to protect the hysteria of the trans weirdos who make bizarre claims of government going after them. Anyone who dared speak out against the nuts and the liars were ostracized. Yes it did start in 1984 why do you ask?

Brevard County in Florida where the fake space program sucks trillions of dollars called out for their fraud of traveling to space in rocket SHIPS. Ships only travel on oceans. That should have been your first clue.

Amazing Polly is amazing. Analysis of medias and connections to our brains. Tulsi Gabbard just confirmed today. DOGE and dodging the bulls like a matador.

Her Rumble channel is found here. It's been said she has a great demeanor. De mean or what?

Dennis Rancourt full tenured professor in Canada. No pandemic. No virus. Saw through the whole con game. No climate problem. All hustle. Vaccines are a toxic substance, that's the foundation of the science of how they are designed to "stimulate" your body to "create immunity". It's all horseshit to claim a toxin injected into the body makes you healthy.

Fauci was installed by that hysteria 40 years ago to "fix  the problem and create an aids vaccine" yet no science has ever proven injecting anti-freeze and waterlogged wood preservative into people makes better health. 666 trillion dollars later no such thing. Frankenfauci is one sick puppy. He raped animals with aborted baby body parts with his mad science. He's a sick disgusting psychopath as are all who support that monster. Responsible for the murder of millions. We tried and tried to warn people for the last 40 years. He's worse than Jim Jones cult. They all just trusted THE/SCIENCE which is a disease in itself. Gay holocaust. Congress "will look into that" and as always nothing happens because they are all in on it. They just flap their mouths for money. They all have their big ass portfolios to tend to and prepare for retiring with cash pouring in from stocks in drug companies and biologics which foundations are not logical as viruses are a scam like carbon credit schemes and Enron.

Florida senate votes to ban spraying the skies with chemicals. Companies will find a clever way round it. SB 56. It repeals all allowed "weather modification" satutes. So they won't call it that they will call it something else like climate decoration or prevention. The cockroaches that voted NO were all democrats of course LOST IN SPACE. They are senators Arington, carlos smith, tina polski. Why would they vote no on protecting their citizens they represent who are screaming STOP POISONING US. Dr. Jane Ruby February 12, 2025 she talks about how the skies used to be in Florida comparing to a recent trip to Jamaica or some other place that's not tainted by all this poison spraying crap. If we met for coffee I'd tell here to look sideways more and not up. There's a whole array of new chemicals being DUMPED by adding them to our detergents. Those chemical fumes are masked by more chemicals called "fragrances" and no it doesn't all just go down the drain, every home and business has VENTS to all water disposal lines. The fumes travel up and out into our ATMOS. Not atmos sphere as it's a plane, the atmos. Our air close to us on the flat plane all around us. No one is calling this out they keep looking at air planes. Those fumes build up depending on the air patterns heat and cold movements or stillness.

Incandescent light bulbs are coming back by Trump executive order. LED is junk. Mandate Incandescent Headlights Again - MIHA so we can see clearly when driving. The blue light from the LED and the flashing led of emergency vehicles is blinding and NOT/SAFE.

A letter read from 1935 about living in Hitler's Germany. Erect single family homes were built that almost everyone could afford. Light bulbs were not mentioned.

Make peace great again. Under the Republican administration peace looms like a winter storm to wipe out the war and flush out all the shit that the Democrat administration kept dumping on us.

Corporatocracy getting rid of wild horses
to make way for uranium mining? Documentary film maker James Anaquad Kleinert.

Elon Musks clever game of trashing 1950's technology mineshaft and "only 10,000 people can retire in a month" that would be 120,000 per year. In 10 years that's 1.2 million. Horseshit. There is no way only 1.2 million are the maximum retiring in 10 years. Where does he get this crap? Artificial intelligence of course. Here have an artificial apple a day to keep you going to your doctor and emergency room. Everything Musk pitches on this is junk sales horseshit to push computerized artificial intelligence he and friends can make trillions on. Same with his FakeX. All the medias are jumping on hustling their eyeball magnets. Quite Frankly got into this on February 12, 2025 with a balanced report.

ake America Hated Again?

MAHA. Take Palistines land. Stop winning friends and influencing people. Monay monay monay.

End to the upside down medi sin. Tom Cowan a doctor best known for pointing out the illusion of viruses speaks on February 12, 2025 questions & answers. Genetically modified foods is a farce. It is a claim. It is not absolute science. It's  marketing horseshit in virology. HIV. He talks a more balanced approach to understanding "STD" as the science only looks at bacteria and virus there's things like virus insecticide CHEMICALS and stress that can cause.

If govern meant cannot understand that viruses do not exist how can we demand congress have more authority over our food supply? This is tyrranical insanity and the opportunists are already abusing the process created for their financial gain. Look at the price of eggs. The murder of chickens and beef and sheep who are not even sick, our food supply, how does govern meant differentiate between psychopaths and good and proper science? It has a bad track record having installed the murderous psychopath of the A.faucidae variant of governing and recommendations. Maybe that's not changing if Kennedy is installed. Animals EXPOSED TO A TEST and sent to torture and extermination camps. The tests are bogus.

Some think this boot would govern better than how many govern meants kick people around as it would make governing more gay. Buy 2 boots as a gay couple on ebay.

Was Clark Gable gay?
Wouldn't that be a kick. Many actors are gay.

BAHA - bathroms are all homosexual again.

Dom't niss this weeks THE DICK SHOW. Gender reveal. Dick on the sexually offended.

Oh oh. Time to flatten the curve again.

Black windows. CGI. Lighting not consistent, look at the shiny rings around the engine intake. This is obviously the parade float that was used in the CNN broadcast fake news of everyone trying to escape one of those "war torn" staged events. It's like everything is faked these daze even viruses which are big money illusions. Many events are real but fakery is used to present the story so we can "see it better" in our minds. This is abused quite often and when people need something to blame it can get really bad. For example in Bengahzi a complicated matter blame was placed on Hillary clinton as secretary of state who does not take shorthand like most secretaries do. Clinton asked the mil guys there what they wanted to do how much risk were they willing to take, it was a very very difficult situation. They insisted on staying there. They were brave, dedicated to fixing the problem. Very dangerous. Medias and it's audience barely heard that explanation if at all, they needed someone to blame. People do that with health matters so they got sucked into believing in "viruses" which are dangerous unicorns, they are an imaginary threat but they are also something to blame. The Devil is another. The details are disregarded misregarded malregarded instead of regarded.

Medical myths. Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Alec Zeck.

Illegal occupation by a corporation registered elsewhere of Australia.

It's 2,025 years after imaginary Jesus dick was partially amputated by a molestor stealing Him of his manhood and England now burdens people with so many permits by the time they are all approved you will be dead if you live there. Govthere are stealing people's cars that are unregistered just sitting on their own property.

Good news on the egg front. Still under $100 per egg! And Fauci is still making more money than anyone in govern meant as the hard to unravel policies of dangerous unicorn hunting continue to murder our living food supplies "for our health". When THE/SCIENCE studies viruses it's like they are seeing these images and thinking it's all real because after all it's real and they see it with their own eyes under the microsilverscreen and they tell people to never go into the desert then when people stop listening they go all out brainwashing like what was done in the PAN demic.

The war machine keeps making people rich as compared to making the effective absolute results of what is intended. The war mongers blame the drug rather than what caused the drug to be used.

RM of Springfield city council does not want the public recording meetings. Says it's distruptive. There were 5 people in the audience. Some phones were recording the meeting. Seems more like what was disruptive was the mayor making a big deal about it. If he doesn't have the fortitude to ignore the minor "commotion" of holding up a camera that doesn't even flash he's not a very good choice for public service as such. This dude was a cop. Makes us think of The Man Song. That job is different. In this meeting the doctor Daniel Page a computer scienceist is at the podium and says his broadening of the title of the agenda, "I cannot proceed until this is corrected" as per by law procedure. So he stands there and does not speak as he's waiting for the council to correct. Mayor does not seem to understand WHAT HE JUST SAID. This is the problem with govern meant everywhere. The doctor gets into "misinformation" and "disinformation" definitions. He should get into "disresults" of the council and "misresults" as well or may be in his next presentation and "misapplication" and "disapplication" of rules, laws, proceed ures. We might note the clock timer is on the screen counts down to the 1/100th of a second and becomes is like someone waving their cell phone in the air and recording. It is causing "disattention" and "misattention" onto the presentation. It is not necessary for such precise counting. At 1 minute 59 seconds and 21/100ths of a second the mayor holds up his index finger signifying 1 minute left. This is misinformation and disinformation just presented, there was just shy of 2 minutes left, minus 39/100ths of a distrating second. He after a few more 100ths of a second fly by he then talks over Daniel saying there's only one minute left. He of course is "just doing his job" or is he?

Oh I just spread disinformation and misinformation they might say, he is a deputy mayor not the mayor. Thus that would mean if a student was talking about a teacher but it was a substitute teacher that would be called out as disinformation and miss information with a "correction" that would be a "discorrection" saying "please refer to the deputy teacher correctly as a substitute teacher not a teacher" even though they are a teacher so saying they are a teacher is correct some will blabber to the ends of the earth that was incorrect. So if we followed along this with this bizarre form of using language to commune with each other ALL SORTS of information we'd get no where and this is exactly were we are at in America or is it Diss America or Miss America. This took place in North America so they mayor - I said that correctly - he is a mayor albeit a deputy mayor he is still a mayor like a subsitute teacher is a teacher and still always a teacher unless sitting in a class learning and not teaching. Daniel was always polite as he tried to help teach them. The mayor seemed to be "disinterested" so he cut him off "your time is up". This was very educational and not "diseducational". The mayor was called out for his action by another member of the council, he responds "we clealy made the rules". But he's not making rules that THE PUBLIC WANTS and the function of govern meant is meant to be of the people and for the people not for the council or for the deputy so he is "misgoverning". WATCH how governing is becoming an English class where all we end up doing is squabbling about definitions, word use, misuse, disuse, maluse, unuse, reuse, etc. OH MY GOD. They spent all that distime to BLABBER on and on about this rather than JUST GIVE HIM A FEW MINUTES. Like fuckin duh. The blabber continues on "video taping the meeting" as the deputy asks an audience member if she is video taping. After MORE WASTED TIME that Daniel could have used to finish his presentation, it's stated "Its not a video camera". LOL. So ten minutes go by of this blubbering and malblubbering and misblubbering and such. 6 minutes and 36 seconds and 66/100ths seconds on February 4 2025.

In another meeting she couldn't get to the meeting, mentions a stomache bug going around she is "immunocompromised". That's a word scrunched together from "immune system compromised". Immune systems do not exist. There is only immunity for pharmaceutical companies that inject their lab rats we call people. She speaks well about the topic of people speaking freely and some of the issues discussed above that Daniel presented. Another item brought to attention was 2nd reading and 3rd reading mayor says there's no difference between third and 2nd reading and we have been doing this forever but the public clearly disagrees! They do the 2nd and 3rd reading seconds apart not giving chance for information and study in between that would help squelch misinformation. ROFL. What a clown show. One clown. Should not be mayor.

Here's what happened that may have led to all this squelching of public input as it rammed the 2nd and 3rd reading at warp speed which is a speed that only exists in the imagination of people who watch Star Trek and in the minds of politicians ramming things into the public eye as if they are imaginary Jesus told to take the wheel, FUNNY, back in September 2024.

New calendar recognizes Jesus torture at birth properly. View here.

The book of Daniel on DIE and science, misscience, malscience, and disscience.

Break time for music videos from 1989 a long long time ago. Have you yet found what you are looking for?

I'm looking for the fall of the dangerous unicorn hunting regime.

1 hour 29 minutes it's New Years Day.

All that saving the planet stuff is lovely and caring. Too bad your world leaders won't participate. The war machines use up all the savings within days.

King of autonomy says we cannot live in an autonomous bureaucracy while his little boy makes fun of his dad's hand gestures. Funny. It's essential business to reduce the debt and such. Excellent presentation by Musk on Fox News. Democrats are pissed and now in warp speed lie mode.

Part of what DOGE is doing is finding waste. Musk stated there's some 150 year olds collecting social security checks. THE/SCIENCE of virus hunting would say that means people live to 150 when they get tested and treated for viruses now we need $666 billion more to keep you living to 200. When people start dropping like flies because they have no eggs or meat they blaim it on a virus and ask for more money and get it.

Articles of impeachment introduced against judge blocking DOGE from investigating fraud and taking actions. Measure by Tim Pool. Keep in mind that as all news casters do they leave out the details. It is ALLEGED fraud. Trump presents in presser 2/12/25 that payments should be stopped. He knows better contracts cannot just stop being paid for services provided without absolute evidence and proper procedures. Trump is a sales man and a con same with his electric car buddy. Buyer beware they are sucking the MAGA cult in to even deeper levels.

Elon Must changes his TWITX profile to Hairy Balls. You go girl. He's making hairy asses out of everyone that deserves it like the retards at CNN. Have to wonder how many liberal retards that bought Teslas are not yet in a mental institution as it's like every time they get in the car now they feel like a creep is hugging them from behind. Meanwhile Trump is busy weeding out corruption. It's like DC is overgrown swampland in the south. Media news garbage is the twists of vines that come in and choke the life out of trees. Democrat party is the alligators and crocks.

Elon unfortunately does the hustle routine of big tech. Social security can only process 10,000 retires in a month he claims as it "relies on ancient 1950's technology" without computers, sending paper files and data down a conveyor belt into a cave. We might note the wheel is also ancient. Want's to change that too using a "more efficient" system based on high tech crap that is "safe and effective" just like govern meant scamming the public with covaids. If there's ever a blackout of power that lasts and lasts that archaic wheel and cave and pully system will be the only one up and running. Data is billions of times more secure in a real vault than any computer vault. We can wait for the slow process that is absolutely secure rather than relatively secure thank you. 

Dr. Jay Carlson testified in a hearing about cancer, using artificial (stupid) intelligence, markers, data collection on genetics and "family history", not one mention of SUGAR causing cancer and RECIPIES causing cancer, the whole genetics thing is a farce. There was no mention either of healing, just new improved as seen on tv news treat meants. There was mention about eating prophylactics or something. Everything was about billing bottom line. That is the business model of moderna medi sin.

Vaccinating the government with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will be good for bringing health care back into a balance. As it stands now it's been built with a foundation of intertwined corruption called by Dr. David Martin "interlocking directorates" like a web of rebar and cement serving only the portfolios.

Kevin Kiley focuses on California's need for good leadership for the absoulte not imaginary safety of the public in regards to fire and water storage. He talks about need to go back to the vintage days of prescribed controlled burns and cutting back foilage. The retarded governor's brain works like this, everything is caused by carbon dioxide emissions so only do what can be done to curb those, so he bans cars, bans leaf blowers, bans trucks, bans trains, and ban the sale of gasoline and oil and mandates for everyone to be watching him comb his hair and grin at least 1 hour each day and keep his picture on their living room wall for the greater good.

Meanwhile he hopped on a plane unnanounced to visit Washington, Trump cordially met with him, Gavin Oil Dependent Hair Gel Guy hopped on a plane burning tonnes and tonnes of petrol fuel and when he got back he, Governistic Cult Leader Gavin Newsom signed new rules in California to "Trump proof his state" wasting half a billion residents dollars on that. This will as usual keep the wheels of LAWYERS FEES churning for HIS benefit and that of HIS beneficiaries.

California, the medical mafia state, spends, under Gavin's Hair Gel Administration (GHGA) pronounced "gaga" a W H O P P I N G $6.5 billion dollars each friggin year on providing hellth care for ILLEGAL ALIENS residing here there and everywhere unlawfully, what the fuck Gavin. You want to Trump proof the state then go to the Trump & Elon owned US treasury and grab another $6.5 billion each year, over all the other trillions California grabs each year from multiple tax payers he thinks of as charity funds, that's not nice. We hear those two are lovers, Gavin and his comb.

$6.5 billion going to doctors who are known to abuse children with vaccine rape and aborting man hoods after the baby is born NEVER apologizing for their behavior nor providing repirations for what they destroy, instead saying it's all good. 

We might note though how we got here. At least since the 1980's we saw aliens flooding in. There were those that were chased and ran across freeways and got killed. Families would cross the road. If children survived they'd lose one or two parents. How to pay the medical care was an issue it was just dumped on the hospital. America is a caring nation and California and other states worked out how to be humane. Now as always it becomes a news story to jerk the public around with and sell ad space for Kellogg's Froot Loops and other junk that is so bastardized it's like aborting vegetables and other fruits beside Gavin apples of their protective skin and expecting it to go through it's entire life accepting what was done to it.

Beware the hustlers of Ai pronounced aye aye master. Artificial intelligence is stupid.

15 minute cities are evil. Only takes 15 minutes to burn instead of hours. The science measured exactly 14.666 minute but the marketing departments did not like using that number. In Los Angeles they used to create "fire breaks" in those hills. Then the climate and rodent nuts got involved probably Sierra Club that makes tons of money from the burning of fossil fuels. They then stopped clearing out sections of forest to break the fires to "save migration of rats in the hills". Seems the rat problem is in offices. Then when fires consume large swaths of homes like never before they blame man's use of fossil fuels instead of these sickos in these tax exempt businesses in spreading lies about the environmeant using it for their own agendas as the priority over people. This is all not about common sense stop saying that it's a financial hustle.

Film maker hustler Michael Moore was quick to sell-e-brate Gavin and his junk voting machine "winning" the election after the public tried to recall him as he destroyed so many businesses in 2020 hindsight during when he and his friend PAN got debaucherous. He also helped vaccinate us with that catchy slogan of his "vote senility for president".

Yea he crushed Los Angeles with fires. Time to have governing that's not retarded and only focuses on hair gel.
So, Californians chose their drama queens and kings over reasonable measure of wearing protection thinking they were safe from harm if they followed like good sheep their shepherd. They were warned over and over again drop the drama and fix these problems. They went for the drama or were forced into it or all of the above, below, and side effects.

Newsom and friends are theives. They all work for the medical cons first. Remember when they taught us that it was dangerous to open the refrigerator as we might catch COV/AIDS. The state removed legal examptions from being fucked by their pharma friends for every one of it's subjects all 40 million of them in 2018. The public did not want any of this vaccine crap any more. Their portfolios did.

Wow the mayor looks real Ai not answering questions. She glitched with simple input of data.

Smart ingredients must work to gether for the benefit of the public LA's chief indian technology officer says.

And when they don't be cause the high winds blew the power out so the fake ass "smart" stupid networks that all have to work together are down guess what happens.

A 15 minute city has all the things people need close like restaurants, shopping, and bars. BARS?

They block off roads. Great. How's that going to help people escape the big ones of fire and earthquake, stuck like glue unable to get out.

The planners will shovel plenty of BILLIONS AND TRILLIONS of dollars though providing plenty of signage presenting how perfect this was all planned.

What about 15 second trailer parks. Not allowed to use one of the roads more than 15 seconds in a month or be fined.

15 second hallways. Takes you too long to get from one side of the university of "learning" more like indoctrination you get added fines.

There is nothing wrong with saluting the flag any way you want to hold our your arm in a democracy now is there. Everyone would agree correct.

There certainly is in a communist country.

When we look at how Bill Shill Gates smirk (that parents routinely struggle with how to safely and  effectively wipe off their teenager's behavior) salutes the money that rolls in from the empire of torturing humans and animals called THE/SCIENCE more recently mutated into the A.faucidae variant category we might think a bit about who's telling us what.

15 minute sheep.

The DOGE project is ANOTHER of many "The Jokes On Us (T'JOU)" projects.

Pronounced "dodge" the King of The Church of Billionairism also known as KOT/COB is saving the world by shell gaming us in space in a red car he made especially to save humanity starting with creating colonies on Mars moons for the homeless on Earth. Funny how such travel to space is possible but fixing up all our inner cities is not and people having their basic need of a Tesla is not. Did no one notice that Earth's plane has LAND MASSES? The thing where the SLEEK red sports battery spun around is in some other galaxy as it travels past what appears as if it's a blue plate of water and water vapor which is THE #1 cause of climate change on our planette sometimes refered to as chempuffs and watertrails. Federal dollars to Musk company so no one gets to see the private companies books? If that is true that is not right to not know what they are doing with the money. Muskolini wants to go back to the marketing department called "Mars". In the presentation Peggy "snarky" Hall points out "people do not want to question their saviors". Uh, yea, as she Marches days all the way to April, if we look at what's a unicorn that saves us and go further by unraveling and unregarding belief systems, some of which promote aborting of man hoods after birth but not prior to birth, she seems to be keen at looking around horizontally and seeing who's not so imaginary and what they keep doing and that makes life here Heaven.

The side effect is we ignore that space craft only ever go sideways.

Spoiler alert: Nassuhhhhh studies head space. Rockets are merely props used in the study of head space. Did they land on the moon? Of course it is located in your head space. It's a test of who's noticing what system. It is only a test. Well not exactly, saying it's only a test leaves out all the filling of the space ONLY THEY HAVE THE KEY TO in many safety deposit boxes now filled with your golden geese and cash cow milk eggs.

Lizzy Poke-n-haunt-us Warren the senat-a-rat is scurrying away from transparency these daze. How'd she dooty get so rich off insider trades and favors for corporatocracy? She's such a liar. She cashed in pretty big on vaccinating minds with fear during that big ol' pharma hustle.

USAID FUNDED malaria vaccines - a disease PREVENTABLE and CURABLE with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Bill Gates got $$$ from USAID to inject babies with deadly malaria "vaccines" (DMV) and we paid for his medicull license to drive these chemicals head on into babies. Malaria. Mal air. Bad air. A vaccine for bad air disease. Horseshit In Virology. It's all HIV. Viruses do not exist. Money exists.

To protect your self from fear in the future use the tried and lying technique used by THE/SCIENCE. Inject fear to be not afraid of fear. That's the/science of vaccines, inject the very thing you don't want into your body so that you don't get what you don't want in your body. IT'S VERY RETARDED.

Look how they manufactured fear in the fake-a-demic
used to vaccinate the mind. Caught staging and propping up obsessive compulsive disinfecting what was never infected. There are no viruses. Proven in court. Everyone knows this why don't the camera crews staging press releases for HELL t.h. departments tell you the truth that NO VIRUS EVER EXISTED ON EARTH ANYWHERE EVER. Why? Because that would break up their business models of selling you junk you don't need. Strike a pose!

Strike another pose!

don't just stand there let's get to it strike a pose there's nothing to creating a fandemic

Virus management is not much different than playing a video game of unicorns in the snow while thinking that the characters are real.

Dr. Jane Ruby Monday 2/10/25 on the US/AIDS project World Wide Waste of money & hustle. University of British Columbia got $1.1 BILLION of US taxpayer's money and many others. So that's where they get the money for all the beautiful campuses. It's all a big rackquet.

To Daze Sky we see snow birds skiing and farting out cloud trails.

It was over this parade route float celebrating............

Making Fake News Great Again!

OK the gloves are off and HE and his possee beat up the TRANS missionaries. They are their own small possee, they took Him on in the 2020's and won. HE's got them out numbered now and out powered. The first month He has the White House tear down the muliti sex bathrooms, sporting events, lockers, dressing rooms, showers allowing only signs for one sex.

These public spaces are now all exclusively homosexual.

The ladies room is now exclusively homosexual.

The men's room is now exclusively homosexual.

It's all GAY
!!! Hooray!


February 9th premiers 2 thousand and twenty five years after imaginary Jesus came into this world of many an imaaaaagination as Trump's new Egomaniacle Gulf of America Day Sellebration (EGADS) was signed into another declaration of obsidiuos stupidity. So now no one has any idea where Gulf Oil Spills are located, is this Near New Hampshire? Somewhere in Canada? Maybe it's by Panama? Could be California or Oregon. Could be in Chile. Egos do stupid things. The Gulf of Mexico precisely calls it where it is, Mexico. Why didn't he call it the Gulf of Planet Earth? That would make the stupidity TOO OBVIOUS. This is the same disease that's affecting everywhere. Renaming things is stupid. They have been doing that with native names as well like changing Squaw Valley to Imperialist Castle Valley. Medical science fiction does this the most to decive. He's all in with pHarma, new flu, new vaccines, bigger portfolio, junk science. All these hustlers everywhere.

David Knight on USDA and duck farmer buddying up to test if the public is going to act like bird brains a 2nd time. PAN is right there with them. Hustlers In Virology (HIV) full steam ahead to scare every one that's stupid enough to believe any of it and they don't care they use their abuse of power to force themselves on everyone. This is called rape. Testing is alie.

MAGA/CULT worse than HIV/AIDS cult. Of course where would culture be without cults, it would just be ure.

Insurance sales man and "pastor" neither of whom anyone trusts doesn't make the sale, tries to sell us he proved earth is an atmos SPHERE. It's a plane. That's what that little dude was pointing at, Earth, saying "De plane de plane" then they cut out this part "it's not a planesphere it's a PLANEette". The sales man had a crowd funder to raise $34k to "launch a flat earther into space". Yea so funny dude.

This is not saving the desert nor the planet. 6 square miles disabled energy parking. Black absorbs heat. Why aren't these painted white to reflect the sun's radiation? The battery storage buildings are.

Joshua Tree used to be beautiful before the planet savers came in. Arizona is waking up, they are establishing 12 mile buffer zones.

Anuual output said to be 1,325 GW·h that is watt hours. That means out put in one hour is that many watts. Giga is 1 billion. In this case it's then 1.3 trillion watt hours. The coffee pot uses 1000 watts. If it's on for one hour that's 1000 watt hours. So this site is claimed to power 1 billion coffee pots in the morning for an hour that is wrong, there's no sun so it can't. Battery backup is not enough. This whole thing is a hustle for your energy. Mean while it's wrecking the deserts and the planet. This was opposed by everyone out here at Joshua Tree. It went in anyway. No one wanted their planet wrecked in their front side and back yards here. More at

Some fresh air and sunshine dumped on Max Igan and Jeff Berwick as some men claim they are scammers. Max skipped out of Australia. Yea he kinda threatened public officials there with violence. He won't ever tell you that in his hustle videos. Berwick has a magic healing machine for sale at $10k each though the price keeps going up "get yours now" is thrown around as all good marketeers do. Looks like something from Spencer Gifts with LED lights. So that's that side of the world's stage. Jeff kinda has this entertaining skit where he's always trashing the obvious over reach of governing though he over reaches into the exaggeration box a lot with those toys for us all to play with and be mesmerized by most often the one that like a Jack In The Box only plays one tune and jumps out at you with arms stretched, that one of how evil these people are that "run the world" yet he makes his money using those very same systems they use, then he sells people worthless crypto coins or nice social events called seminars in the town of Anarchapulco. They are in the category of Est and Tony Robbins. Some people put their life savings into what he promoted from his estate in Mexico and they lost everything as crypto currency is fake, it's not backed by anything. Keeps saying the world will end soon. That's always a STOP sign not just a warning sign that there's a curve ahead which oddly California's highway system in the high desert fails to place warnings that there's a curve ahead in a spot where people have driven right off the road at that curve into power lines breaking the pole and interrupting power to the areas. They replaced the poles with steel now to "fix the problem" so now it's safely and effectively guaranteed the person will not have any chance of being found alive when it happens again but the pole will be there standing strong and powerful representing how your governmeant cares and effectively delivering the PROMISE of free clean wind and solar energy to it's customers yet they still keep getting billed for what is only delivered effectively, robust energy, not handicapped energy, but it can't actually warn safely and effectively in some situations so we all need to be alert especially when driving around political landscapes at night.

Nicotine. Who's the scammer there. Dr. Bryan Ardis or HELLth departments or both. Seems safer and more effective to trust the chiropracter than HELLth department compartments any more as none of those agencies we trust have proof any virus exists. Learn more on that here.

How to talk to your pediatrician about vaccines a quickie healthie by Dr. Tom Cowan the world's best doctor.

The A.faucidae variant of safe and effective sucked $20 billion tax dollars to torture animals for the greater good of torturing humans with experimental drugs. $1 million grant to give mice hormones to change their sex. Endless safe torture and effective. Forced the sex themed drugs (STD) on the animals. Watched how they behaved and took notes called "study" and science. Need a study to study the studiers to see what they do with their hands during those sessions and see how they act while torturing animals. Listen in to the hearing if you can stomach it. The public was warned for many many decades not to trust Fauci and friends but they trusted their tv news instead and Los Angeles faux times that promoted Fauci as Savior and God's only imaginary son of unlimited health and healing potential. It wasn't until the internet that the information flow dam burst and everyone saw what these karing and cind people are doing to torture animals and humans and provided the fax which went viral. Remember these fax pointing out they kept making jokes saying Trump would never be president? Good for a laugh. Now we have a person who cares about animals and humans leading the country as the demonic rats sometimes referred to as democrats scurry like they were just startled by a sonic boom in the room. No worries though it was just the elephant sneezing which did finally get people to pay attention.

Obviously this children's slide that parents said and were able to absolutely prove was UNSAFE was designed using US tax dollars in the billions to make it safe and effective under the A.faucidae poisoning of science.

OMG what is this crap. Police balls? So it's not safe to drive a bicycle on a side walk or roller skate or buzz around on a skateboard but it's safe to drive this on a sidewalk? Big balls ignore "Don't Tread On Me" stop signs.  

Rolls right over the homeless begging for cash. How many people will this kill and harm before that plug is pulled. Obviously these will be drones tasked with making communites safe and effective. $200 million to porfolios worth? 666 billion $ worth? All they care about is the money. Is this why they build so many handicap ramps? Does it climb buildings? If a "suspect" jumps over a fence will it do the same? Can this climb the pyramids? This is a clue.

Tin foil in gold lame covering the movie space craft project.

Not sure why people think we went to the moon it is concave plasma in the atmos. Maybe this will help clue-us-in.

Pay attention kiddies. There is no plane with gold foil lame hitting the towers.

New likely to be new FBI/HEAD named Kash Patel in the hearing of nomination says in response to grilling by wo/man who acts like a child "you've got two minutes" to senator Amy Kobashar in a ROFL moment. Note her expression being put in place. Mr. "not Adam" Schiff talked to him like asking a Kindergartener if they understand the question, a typical tactic of liars in the Democrat hearty party. Katel is awesome. He's often got a funny look on his face but that adds to his charm. Thing is he's got talent. What world are we living in now? It's a dream. Why do some say this is a night mare? Oh I guess they mean the house is a disaster and there's so much work cleaning it out. Rehab time. The White House will be so nice when done. Rainbow flags in the trash.

Dr. Jane Ruby offers us a cup of delicious herspective with creamer on Sunday February 9 2025.

She's a warrior thus one of her fans sent her this cup with an inscription on the back she reads that is clever. It would be nice if she didn't bash all the other warriors around here though who are really fighting the same battle though I guess that happens in all wars. What's this she says congress has mandated chemical spraying the skies everywhere. pHARMA presents the new mGMO shots! Bayer CEO stated years ago how they needed a panic to get people to allow them to make them Genetically Modified Organisms! Now being a corona halo'd GMO is cool.

Los Angeles Digest #53

Can sick people make well people sick by exhaling? CDC can't prove any virus exists. How is it that they can tell us to stay in our closets to be safe and the only way to escape being their slaves is to be their slaves and get away with this Horseshit In Virology (HIV)? It is a dangerous cult.

The heart is a portal. It is a vortex. It aint what the moderna medi sin is telling us.

Monkey business a great film.

America loves Trump not CON gress. He appeared at the super duper bowl.

THE most annoying things in CON gress a toss up between Poke-a-haunt-us & Bernie Blowhard and their traveling clown shows who made millions off pHARAMa and lie claiming they did not yet they did, and Ayuck who destroyed jobs in her district and is equally a blow hard liar.

Corrupt organizations fed off US/AIDS money used that taxpayer cash to
keep censoring truth presented by Kennedy so they could keep getting money.

After decades of hearing "it's a big club and you ain't in it" someone just went to the electric box where they get all their power and tripped the breaker. Never thought of that before Mr. Doge was elected.

Man's best furry friend tries to save owner from the water.

Ai and it's twin tranny "artificial intelligence" is simply a legal and marketing term changing what it actually does with it's dong from "stealing everyone elses copyrighted works and using them for profit and slapping those who's works are stolen in the face" into a definition presented for that marketing joy feeling much like "giving you everything you desire, healing you of cancer (with no proof), saving you money (when in reality they take more of it) and saving the planet (when in reality this means more fossil fuels used that then goes to Nu Clear energy and relies on more petroleum to make endless piles of plastics while building more disabled parking lots for wind spinners and solar panels)".

US/AIDS-+LGBT/QWERTY/XYZ+ slush fundz. Your money down the tub.

Here's a fun new commercial about oils that were used for machinery that are now used to keep people lubricated inside. Kennedy should use tax payer funds to play this ad on tv the side effect of which will be less drug ads as no one will need them once they stop pouring motor oil down their throats.

For our health should we eat engine oil? Probably not.

Salad bowl of America feeding the masses with farm fresh vegetables reliably produced and shipped using reliable energy now poisoned by lithium battery plant that caught fire and could not be extinguished. Clean energy my ass. 2 years to revive the soil. All recovery efforts will rely on fossil fuels. Wind and solar will sit in their handicapped parking spaces and do nothing to help, instead it will ask for help.

In the Los Angeles fires has anyone inquired about the gas lines to homes? When the fires started it's threats did the gas company shut off the gas to the whole area? Seems unlikely. Did the homes all burn because the flexible connectors melted thus allowing natural recycleable gas to pour in? I am guessing there is no community shut off. If that was done there would be a big problem turning it all back on, each house would have to be inspected making sure no one left the stove on when they evacuated. 

So the person is cooking, suddenly the flame is out, they fiddle, then realize the news reports accurately for once that theres a fire in the hills spreading to communities and officials declared evacuation. Forgetting the stove is turned on as there's no smell, they are in a rush to gather a few things and leave. In this case since the entire community is turned off there would be no homes fueling these fires. As it seems to stand, no one evacuates and shuts off the gas line to the home they just leave. Now of course the disingenuous lost in the ozone hole that does not exist Democrat's climate cult will use that as a reason to promote their stupid handicapped energy agendas. That is not the solution. Here's another thought as we recall that to "save energy" they mandated CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK spark ignition instead of pilot lights. Not likely anyone would leave to evacuate with it still clicking, but they might leave it turned on as there would be no smell and no sound of gas coming out of the burner as a warning. One solution to that would be add yet another annoying alarm to homes, one attached to the stove. If they did shut off the gas regionally the pilot light would go out. They couldn't turn it all back on until each home was checked. People would have to all come home and verificaton processes completed for ALL HOMES. This must be why they never do this prevention method. They authorities in your alleged health prevention matters though will ruin everything to stop a virus that DOES NOT EVEN EXIST by any standard of absolute measure and suck trillions of your dollars to do so in fake ass prevention efforts of the dangerous unicorns they promote as real. Clearly priorities are fucked up. When concerns were brought up by reasonable scientific methods the high quality science of proper methods stated there's a big benefit of having pilot lights, if ever there's a leak it can burn it off safely within the flame of the pilot light without letting it build up was one of the arguments by the valid science.

Avangrid Renewables turbines sit after having been burned 4 years ago. Renewables is the replacement for the ol' Enron scam. They are causing sky high increases in electricity as "clean energy" wastes energy. Food manufacturers are saying it's a national emergency the costs are rising like a satellite balloon - you didin't think satellites were actually millions of miles away did you? 20+ years and the climate cult leader$$$$ still haven't fixed the weather but it's nice that you have supplied these cultheads new mansions that use 666 times more energy than you do as you are forced to cut back and freeze. For example, Australia has more garbage wind and sitting solar farming than anywhere, it's still flooding, why haven't they fixed the weather yet? "The reigion is known for it's relentless wet season (monsoons)". So when are the climate nuts going to stop monsoons? They are idiots and the hustlers are using their idiots as pawn$ for cash flow.

Wearing different hats. All it takes to be respected in this world of illusions is to look like a Viking Warrior. Get yours today. See if it fits.

Custom Painted Head for Hasbro Marvel Legends Series Thor (Version 2 - Beard) - Picture 1 of 3

Without the hat though they look at you different.

No hat can replace the hat cut off man's dicks in these daze of misgoverning HELL. CON gress and society that it reflects could care less how much men suffer by having their best protective hood removed from the thing they think with most. Or maybe they are not aware of this. Or maybe it's just such a horror what is being done that it's too hard to look at. Society needs to get a grip. It's kind alike if the doctor told the parents "would you like your baby boy's hair removed it would be healthier to just remove each follicle now so later in life the follicles never cause a problem". The parents tell the doctor "isn't the hair kinda protecting the head from cold" and the doctor sucks his thumb with a really bizarre look on his face. They are sickos.

Looks like a tranny sounds like a tranny it's a Verizon and Superbowl spokestranny.

How to separate the PERTS from the EXPERTS.

Why the musical puppet Freddy Mercury was used for the HIV/AIDS Conspiracy

Isreal? The reporter reads an encyclopedia at the press conference. OMG. Oh we see it was the Incyclopedia Of Talking And Saying Nothing (SNOT).

Coming soon. The Severe Exceptionally Exciting Rolfing Syndrome (SEERS) where every time you watch Bill Gates puke out his shit you do too. Only treatment is shut off the TV and avoid getting close to any website that pukes out all this nonsense that is used to con people into accepting medical rape as treats. Just sign on the dotted line? That's where we draw the line in the sand, why do we have to immunize them these hustlers never immunize us?

Govern meant sometimes teaches us to trust our own eyes as it teaches us to not trust our own eyes. Making liars rich is so much fun. If only one person has all the money it's all worth it. Why is that arrow in space?

"International Fake Station"? Naw it has to be real because artificially intelligent people say it's so.

Ever notice how the people who claim they or their community are offended could care less about what offends you? Then you try to discuss this with them politely and all they do is say their feeling offended is different and better and yours is meaningless then say there's something wrong with YOU. There is nothing wrong with you. There is only wrong. They are wrong. You are you.

Liars used to be referred to as plastic. Plastic is real so that never made sense except that it was comparing cotton to polyester one is real comfortable, naturally recyclable, the other just pretends but both cover up things like fake space gamers.

80 year old man promotes surveillance of the police when they take a piss.

Listen to this aritifically intelligent big technology FR/EEEK say that the cop would need to get permission from big plantation owner to take a bathroom break for 2 minutes to keep the public safe which surely will be timed using his beautiful digital technology that imprisons the world while making it free to only do what he says they can do and for how long that when permission is given they don't actually turn it off the plantation master is still recording and can access it from his bedroom.

Bathroom break: paging thru the porn of PAN opticons

This is the same plantation that has since the 1960's said "your data is always safe with us" as they look at it and laugh and it's 2025 and the list of data breaches piles up to the moon if they were all printed out on safe from prying eyes PAPER. Now the plantations get hacked by prying eyes and criminals often we the slaves don't even hear about it. Did not have this problem with data hacking prior to PC's which promised us security and everything we always wanted at our fingertips and eyeballs. He goes on to explain that AI constantly monitors the video. How's that again? You just said no one sees it but it's constantly monitored by a computer? Yes, and so it's recorded and is HACKABLE as the TRUTH is that all of these systems are not immune to data breaches be they eyes on the outside where data is transmitted by wire or inside the systems locations. We all know this now after being totally lied to by big technology since the 1980's. The contracts even say this in the No One Reads It Print (NORIP) that data is accessible by technicians that can in their daily duties of making sure everything is recorded properly can watch what is recorded. "It would be on tv at headquarters, everyone would see it".

Anyone else noticing yet that endless shreds of data are not saving us or the planet yet it's just producing more porn?

Bath ROM break: Remember being locked in your home forced to watch CNN so your mind would be brainwashed by your masters? Govern meant was doing crack and merrily merilly saying life is not a dream unless you obey Master Fauci and go on ahead and travel the fake and selective sick psycho's path off a cliff.

Yea meta words are shit now. They meant something before artificial intelligence took over.

The 80 year old Ellison man goes on to say politely, "Everyone will be on their best behavior with everyone being recorded" he says. You know what best behavior is Larry, no you don't. It's when people are free to play and kid around and say things to each other without worry. Best behavior means being in chains like the dog over there on the neighbor's yard where we don't enjoy watching it run around. Bad example as dogs don't understand safe and effective cars that run them over when they are loose during their best behavior.

In this best behavior imaginary utopia just imagine a "hate word" being used, the list of them is growing as they cross out "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" instead pushing the insane concept of every other word hurts you, the drones swoop down in the playground. Some glitch and kill the kids or the parents who were the actual 1st responders to the squabble. His world is one of the hover parent gone psycho pro opsessive compulsive totally mad like we witnessed happen to the whole fucking world when a similar plan happened when those that got similarly conned into "trusting the science" and trusting governmeant to protect us from dangerous unicorns, you surely remember how that went, it wasn't more than one week that went by that those of us who understand their science of MARKETING and hustle and control schemes knew what was on it's way was a massive attempt to upsell us VACCINES. They surveilled you to make sure governmeant's HELLth kare knew every single public space you went in to protect everyone from WHAT DOES NOT EXIST scared the public so bad most thought it was the right thing to do, then the public was coerced into demanding it and treating anyone outside the new cult as a threat. Even Arnold Swashbuckler went wacko saying "Screw your freedom" as he glitched out on what living in a real world is. Scary part he once was elected Governor of Californa, a movie making priority state.

Bathroom break camera is on: It was a lock up. They branded it different. They called it LOCK/DOWN. No one knew what that was prior. Think about it. It was different think.

Watch short segment of An0maly analysis. Artificial intelligence is as fresh and nutritious as is artificial fruit. It's a marketing term to replace the stale word "surveillance" which Larry has to use somewhat so people understand basically what the Lack of Intelligence Electronic Systems (LIES) actually is, like saying car or truck instead of "magical carry you everywhere you can imagine device" as part of marketing bullshit. As another part of this junk pitch he presents big teck's imaaaaagination of how great the world will be sending a drone using artifical intelligence to the shopping center getting there faster than the police. Maybe it will drop artificial fruit on the "bad guy" that turns out the AI thinks everyone in the mall is bad because of a processing glitch which he will claim on his systems does not exist as that's the problem with psychopaths they see what they want to see and have their AI in their brains discard reality. Fauci also had this problem. Hey it happens to every human on the planet to a nano degree or other more massive big tech monster degree and varied degrees running on their AI garbage in garbage out $cript$.

BATHROOM BREAK yea drinking wayy too much coffee: moderna gladiators get paid well to bash in the protective hoods heads that would think their bodies know better than China's chemical waste

Acronyms being used in language hyper pro neurotically obsessively now is basically just MARKETING/HORSESHIT in case you are clueless to what is going on. Moderna medi SIN is not warning the public these hustlers have discovered pulled out of thin chem puffs 70,000 different diseases and with that they pitch you need to trust them then they say trust their form of intelligent shit. They have already finally announced their plan is using AI to determine which exact strain of dangerous unicorn they need to treat you for using their magical devices and when you still die of cancer they will blame your body or a new strain or a new disease number 70,001 that just appeared and of course bill you for it all which is all that really matters to these people who own everything. WATCH THIS REPORT BY AN0MALY

If you don't like my version of real news throw it in the toilet, guaranteed will clog it up as it binds with all the viruses fed you every day by moderna media shit so it's all good and hellthy for you and the lead pipes that do not exist.

Some people on the internet that appeal to they mystery of wet dew and chem puffs that keep appearing in the sky so they must be sprayed by govern meant's evil dewers can't get it in their heads that logs are a problem.

Chem puffs blanket the sky. It wasn't like this when I was growing up and learned from cartoons that bright colored sugar was healthy as shown on the box of Kellogg's Froot Doops. Where's Dick Tracy when you need him? Someone needs to stop these evil dewers.

Doctor in Montana testifies February 7, 2025 on destructive DIRECT EFFECTS not side effects of 19 corona injections of China's chemical waste which directly effects the body when it's OMG/INJECTED directly into it which is usually referred to as rape as the body always says NO DON'T PENETRATE.

The problem is the claims are also partly based on junk science. It's not the virus, nor the RNA that is "modified" as none of that has been proven as real and not just marketing claims. Shedding is more nonsense, viruses do not exist. These people in moderna medi SIN are good intentioned but someone need to guide them better as they remain lost in their virus hunting merry-go-round-hell. DNA contamination is not proven absolute science. The belief in genetics just perpetuates all these problems. People need to study Dr. Tom Cowan's work. We live in a virus free world dominated by BELIEF systems.

Dr. Lee Merritt interview is facinating. Mark Grenon had been a missionary for over 30 years when the FDA had him arrested in Columbia for reading Chlorine Dioxide testimonies in the age of COVID. His two sons are still in jail 4 years for "contempt" when they fought back. Books and documentaries. Some interesting history but sprinkled with some annoying bible talk. Sounds a bit unbalanced though just like moderna medi sin. He said the food in the Columbia prison was fantastic. Medical system claiming there are 70,000 diseases. Lee says there's less. Seems like moderna medi sin just makes up stuff. Talk about "electron grabbers" in the body and health. She worked as a surgeon in military.

Strip dice 1950's. Take a chance.

Mylene Farmer and her handsom dancers.

The men are there just wait for it.

Beefy stud keeps displaying him self
on what health care is and what HELLth care is not. He was there warning us about the 19 corona illusions in 2020 hindsight was telling us to just say no to shit vaccines and the govern MEANT tyrrany that was embraced by all the loons which went viral.

Chris Sky does not have Trump's big balls in his mouth which "proves he's straight" so the "freedom" crowd he used to hang with does not want him on their show's anymore. Chris was one of the first calling out the lies of the Kovid runaway show appearing rather ODD in March 2019 which Trump first sprang on us and is now supporting it's expansive new runways creating new vaccine factories for his warped ingection protocols which even the Bayer see yo stated ever so politely before the audience would be impossible to get people to allow themselves to be a GMO without forcing a panic down their throats. It shows how two faced these "freedom" fighters are. Most of them are Christain idiots so give them a break they believe in things that don't exist so praise be to their fake Jesus and fake Devil in the details. Chris even ran for Mayor of Toronto but lost. He won in the details though.

It's now time to pray at The Church of Jesus Missing Foreskin where they can ask for forgiveness and never get it as they keep pushing this holocaust in our faces. Amen. It's a date.

Pushing papers and keys on a computer board US taxpayers sent $20 million to study shitting on sidewalks and streets in Liberia part of the $666 trillion US/AIDS gave away to their friends around the world. So that money will instead be allocated to study "saving lives" in the US now using the rotten branch of science called virus hunting that will shit all over US as it always has. That $20 million could have built 20 toilets in US cities that have a shit on sidewalk problem though that wouldn't fix it either. Black lives matter got $5 million. Foreskin Lives Matter got zero. $35 million to study fluoride. $8 million to study tobacco use disparities. Grants given to facebook for half a billion dollars! WTF. Total $1 trillion.

If we walk around in London we feel safer with strong men around.

Retarded science museum says LEGO building blocks are gendered. Yes so are people and so are buildings which is the model for why LEGOS were designed by GOD and nature. LEGOS are made of the rainbow colors so what is the OMG they have another issue with something when do their issues ever get resolved. The linguistics obsessionism museum also says the blocks can be anti-ALPHABET. Here let us help you with your toys. Now call your friends and play with them, just don't start again on all this horseshit as they will then again get mad at you and then you start throwing your LEGOS at them and then I have to come over again and break up the fights. The retarded article states LEGOS are reinforcing the idea that heterosexuals are the norm. Yes they are. Gender obsession, gender confusion, gender manipulation, gender negation, none of it is normal. LEGO parts mate so yes one could say they are hetrosexual yet they DON'T HAVE SEX you fools. The science wants ones to not be able to mate. Sure see how much building you can do with LEGOS that cannot mate. Idiots. OMG computers no longer have a slave drive and a master drive? IDIOTS. In this woke puke deranged obsessive pronounive oddjective world everything is the same. Generic toilet paper is the same as a cardboard box. This is a funny discussion on this with Tim Pool and friends.

After moderna medi SIN raped the public with it's apointee not even voted for named PAN the god of demic mischief and debauchery as the boob toob trained the sheep to obey and learn all they needed to know about the latest marketing scam of viruses it's going back to the tv to learn about the latest scam of bird brain flu.

It never ends latest scam is Human Meta Pneu Ammonia Flu. Since viruses are all the same HIV throw this garbage in the toilet and flush. They use new names for the same old shit anyway. All garbage. Virology is a weak and rotting branch of science. Stay out from under it. The House Judiciary Committee shut her down when she used Fauci as part of a sentence. They said they do not allow the use of names in the "free country" as she refers to a study by the higest paid person in governing. They are in error. Obviously a democrat trying to protect their savior from naming the harm. She spoke intelligently on the 19 coronas hustle.

Welcome to the United Trumps of America. What exactly is your prayer when you fly on a plane?

In a tasting, touching, smells like a rat, and hearing over circumcising funding for USAIDS wacky uses of money sent to other countrys frivolously, such as to promote trans gender abuse of body parts, and cunningly without really letting the public know, Mr. Connoly cordially states, "the gentle lady has used a phrase that is considered a slur in the l g b t q community and the transgender community (like duh that's the t dude) let me please finish without interruption" then Ms. Mace says "tranny tranny tranny I don't really care, you want penises in women's bathrooms and I'm not gonna have it". ROFL. Then after more corrections by him, she says she's not going to be counsled by a man who wants penisis in girls bathrooms. Is it asking too much for someone who dresses for the intentional purpose to pretend to be a "woman" when "clothes make the man" be polite enough to others as to continue to use a rest room or changing room with showers to use the one that corresponds with their actual gender? No it is not asking nor expcting too much of them. Story continues.......

The temper tantrum party had their way why haven't they fixed the climate yet? Rural Ireland govern meant that keeps claiming it is fixing the weather which is entirely retarded had by force culled reliable wood stoves and wood burning fireplaces and coal heating to fix their illusion of there being a climate problem, so now they have NO HEAT. Climate koo koo land. Boil the water notices handed out for their safety, but no power to boil the water because the climate idiots made it a crime against nature to boil water with wood. The weather event debuted in December the govern meant said wait until February to have clean energy working again. Climate "fixing" energy is disabled energy and uses net more. It cannot function like energy that is not handicapped and energy that is not altered, what is this obsession with altering anyway where did that start? Oh yea on The Price Is Right. Stupid climate freaks are doing this on purpose. Wake up. They are hustling you.

Hows that integration thingy working out in Africa?

She returns home to Gaza city. Destruction in her home but the structure remains. Smiling so happy there. They will plant seeds for food next door where tanks rolled. Look at the smiles. Much destroyed. Smiles from ear to ear to be home. Nothing but smiles and happyness and work to do.

Meal worms in powder form. In bread and cereals. Your government really cares. Kellogg's cares too. It will change red dye #3.666 to some thing "safe" and make it seem like they didn't know they will be forced to, while it never will tell the public it's sorry it's CEO had promoted hacking off man hood to stop masturbation and may keep meal worms crawling from trucks onto store shelves with bright LED colors on the package so that's all you see is their rotten part of a better breakfast that now costs only a fraction of 666 dollars per egg caused by Hustlers In Virology (HIV). Ending the insanity?

Worms in our bread and cookies? Chickens love meal worms. Do corporations think of the public as stupid clucks? They laugh behind the scenes we are bird brains. Some of the ingredients in foods are China's chemical waste. Disposed of safe and effective. Keeps portfolios healthy. Anyone who trashes Kennedy is a bird brain. He's called out big industry lies during the start of the 3rd millennium after the priest brutally sliced off Jesus man hood start of the first one.

Trump and friendz sell-e-brating the circumcising of what was all around the world. It's music to their ears. Covering this story we learn "ears" is the new word for portolios filling up nicely.

At least they did good by circumcising the money that covered transforming sexually helpless animals genitals. Note the sickos didn't try doing that to bears only to the helpless critters.

Read more on this abuse here.

Health decisions. First rule of being on the side of your child or pet or your self is no vaccines ever. Vaccines are not safe there is not one for humans or animals safe. Tom Cowan short video.

FakeX ceo discovers $100 billion in fraud in the company of the United States of america. ROFL.

Vaccine companies are not liable for harm. They can go fuck themselves with their poisons.

Immunity does not exist in humans, it only exists in corporations legal departments.

Fairy tales in medi SIN: ZDV aka AZT is of the nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) class.[6] It works by inhibiting the enzyme reverse transcriptase that HIV uses to make DNA and therefore decreases replication of the virus.[6]

This is a claim that has never been proven using PROPER science. All they use is pseudo science which is basically the marketing department buddying up during a smoke break and saying "hey come up with something we got an old drug to sell that we can get for free from the government (taxpayer) and sell it for $1,200 per month.

This is the failed chemo drug FDA ripped off the market after 4 people died, then in the 1980's became "therapy" and a miracle drug given to those who have "aids" which is only caused by "hiv" but "aids" is a category, it is not a disease. There's at least 68 different real disease conditions under this umbrella category. It's like "aids" is the umbrella, and the human holding it and walking with it is the disease, one or more of those 68 different diseases. Saying someone has "aids" is like saying someone is sick. It's a marketing HUSTLE. That's why it's caused by HIV which is Hustle In Virology. People mostly just listened to their tv then for their science. I went to a college library and looked up Karposis Sarcoma which was the big fear porn of the time, they showed picture repeatedly of one man who had sores of this cancer on his body to scare everyone to death. They said it was never seen before. It was listed in the 1950's medical encyclopedia. Right then I realized WE WERE BEING HUSTLED.

Jeff & Apples.

Modified And Great Again (MAGA). The Maga Za Riviera. No entry without having Digital ID (DID), did what?

Who cares what the indiginous want, when did indigiony start again? Looks like a big gamble. Make dna Modified And Great Again (MdnaMAGA). How's that working out? Palestinians will never leave Gaza? Trump's plan to send them elsewhere is not accepted by world states Mustafa Barghouti and it's unrealistic? When did promoting unrealism as being not real become a thing really?

Balanced burn. If only government could function that same way.

Picture 1 of 2

THE/SCIENCE never did figure out how to get that spark post out of the way thus there's always been an unbalanced movement of the air. This design seems to balance that out. Imagine being on a tight rope and you only hold out one arm to keep balanced. That's the idea here you have two arms for balance. With spark and burn in an engine 3 is better.

The Colbert Report got the 19 coronas novel fiction show right day 1 thru day 1,666. Taking of Palestinian's land and taking of man's protective mother given foreskin seems a little off. What kind of world is this planette really? Too bad it doesn't spin at 78 rpm we wouldn't need NASA or FakeX to take us to space we'd just fly off. Can't do it at 1 rotation every 24 hours, no centrifugal force. Does that Flat Earth Dave (FED) still not have that calculator handy? That would make the flat URTHers think 78 times about the math on how much force is needed to fly off the Urth if it was a "globe" during that crossing the equator staff and officer and crustation thing that the US Navy does when it has no more decks to swab with q-tips. That should be the name of a new world military order, Centrifugal Force, going in circles at warp speed, a measure only found in fictional TV and movies.

California Palisades Topanga fire at the coastline January 7, 2025. Yes trees do burn in fires. Dew nonsense. Drive along Pacific Coast Highway after showing destroyed homes on the beach. Yes steel beams melt. Reel Inn gone. "How'd that stupid patio store make it?"

Amazing Polly is back. In the video she mentions this one about GOLIATH has big plans for social media and world domination.

US govern meant spends $20 billion on animal testing/torture much of that set up by the sick puppy that democrats installed named Fauci in the 1980z aidz daze who tortured my friends with highly profitable chemical therapy poison AZT that the FDA had banned for use because it killed 4 people. He resurrected it for the gays. Mega doses. Awww feel sorry for him he didn't know? The snake is a crafty little fellow. The AIDS holocaust featuring this AZT chemotherapy poison killed using the cult mantra of "saving lives" to suck them into the cult. The survivor beagles that were saved from Fauci's torture chambers were featured guests of this hearing where one human sat there wearing an air filter to protect from dangerous unicorns that escaped from a lab computer set of digital digits. The amount of money spent is said to be obscene while democrats keep saying that it's the free speech that's obscene as they all do a 180 on everything they used to say.

This does not even look real. How do we know it's not Hollywood movie making. Trust the science?

Bernard Valter swedish artist talks about another country filing for divorce from the shit scum World Hellth Organization. Bill Maher used to hold the WHO up high, higher than Humpty Dumpty, praising their work on aids and the killer drugs they pushed which killed my friends. He's a fuckin idiot.

Watch democrats act like children. Maxine Waters who lives in the rich part of Los Angeles and "serves" the poor area where modest homes are $750,000 keeps demaning to see the guard's ID for a second time. He folds his arms and rolls his eyes thinking about retirement some day in some other riviera.

Top receiver of US/AIDS funding is Chemonics and pFizer. Do they need the money? No. Hustle is the middle name and side effect. Acquired Immune Deficiency - AID - a program that removes legal immunity from the general public they acquire without their permission while chemical injection companies acquire it by sticking it to the public. Only when they stick it to the public do they have AID. If they feed it to the public there is no AID.

AIV - animal immune deficiency. Did they cure that yet? What about SUV - systemic immune deficiency. Systems rarely ever get immune deficiency they are not living creatures, they are legally often totally immune, they get TIE - total immune efficiency. That's why you always see CEO's wear TIE.

Maui fires - The first rebuild of a home has been completed 1 year and 3 months later after the fires in August 2023. Hundreds of permits to rebuild similar homes as were there before in these communities are in the process. Apartment building of 100 units is being built. Great work of the city officials and all who have helped. Where's that 14.666 minute city annoyingly claimed this was part of the "burn back better" hustle presented by an internet voice recognition system? If we had a dollar for every time that annoying claim was made by the internet we'd be rich. Lahaina will be homes and businesses like before with some improvements for safety and maybe some new hotels as some properties are sold off. It cannot be made into a 14.666 minute city as it already was only a 5 minute city. Same with Pacific Palisades it will change some but there is no massive conspiracy here just same old market functions and evolutions of need to upgrade for safety and such. Never mind the reality thought the internet hustlers are out there viewing the world through the 15 minute log in their eye they will focus only on the smallest speck and make that into Godzilla.

Disappointed - first one is appointed then they are disappointed from their position of being appointed. In govern meant when the public is disappointed from their position of being stuck doing nothing about what bothers them about gover meant it is they become disappointed and someone else becomes appointed. Then one can make apoint more effectively.

This fearmongering cult of opportunists using dramatic events and aftermath's with claims of government purposely setting areas on fire is getting old. Blaming dew is retarded, dew is wet, it does not start fires. I was so impressed with the dewmonger's work against pHARMa junk vaccines and mandates in that obvious pHARMa hustle, and all the mania, but not this crap on the fires and the absurd interviews with the hobbyist forensicisist making wild claims like "why don't the trees burn" well I thought you were there to tell us why, obviously you don't know trees are wet, as well as the nauseating trashing of Del Bigtree's work and that of Kennedy who is a supurb pick for new Health & Human Services secretary. Does he take shorthand? I bet those who have never seen a telephone haven't a clue what shorthand is. Why are secretaries in charge? Is this another joke on the public or test to see who's paying attention with our tax pennies? Do you remember when the HHS secretary in 1984 stated that condoms to protect from viruses is like leaving the front door open of your home and expecting flies not to come in? Of course you don't, pHARMa run medias scrubbed that. Those companies make condoms! Holes in stretchy fabric latex are front doors to viruses disguised as flies. TV secretaries promoted wearing condoms.

Democrats always lie about "settled science". They wear blinders. They see what they want to $ee.

When your public officials and committees mention "meta analysis" as The Highwire episode 410 featured in a hearing, it's not the Facebook company, it's about statistics and crunching the data for grants in scientific study where they repeat studies over and over again expecting different results and make things up as they go. Now they are going to artificially intelligence us. This is what is also used to fake find viruses, they use a computer. When things "leak from a lab" it's just data, no actual virus ever leaks as they are just unicorns, it's all just data, fake claims, and garbage in garbage out data. We don't catch data we interpret it.

Damon Imani, Whoopsii, Gilligan Gates on THE/VIEW. Need a white history month, no the "whites" do not get all 12 months. What gender is whites? White is not a race it's a color. Technically it's all colors. Try to match white paint, impossible. Damon Imani also an invited guest on THE/VIEW on this. Yes the democrats supported 666 trillion dollars for HIV/AIDS research and still no cure after 666 years of study and cigars and trips and new jests and castles, for all those who don't get tested as they know PCR is junk science, and THE/VIEW also supported that whatever gender they happen to be this week. Gay rags made a killing in the holocaust, literally, they promoted drugs that killed my friends. That's why the rainblow flag makes me nauseaous.

Make Kennedy Head Of HHS (MKHOHHS) and remove all 8 trillion tentacle suck-shun-cups from the A.Faudidae money laundering OPERATION where in 2020 we saw the display of their OPERATION making those they OPERATED on wear the masks to make a fool out of everyone while they picked everyones pockets. All democracy rats voted NO on Kennedy nomination, they don't want to make america healthy again they only want ALL THE MONEY THEY CAN GET from all the stealing going on. Democrats had the last 30 to 40 years to fix climate rather than preparing for it. they fixed their bank accounts that's all while Pacific Palisades and Alta Dena burned to the ground because THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIX ANYTHING. Throw them all to the wind like they do to eagles being shredded by their bass ackward priorities. They aren't stopping either, Europe taking 10% of farmland for FOOD to install disabled solar trickle energy so they can keep not fixing climate but they keep stealing your money.

Gaming is gay and that's ok.

There is new research on vaccination against smoke. Causes cancer. Vaccines will be touted as curing and preventing smoke using a particle of acid in the riduculous size of 1/1,000,000 meter called moderna rna. You get that 666x that much in one day's breathing. Mirrors will need another $666 trillion of funding. These climate panels is sitting there staring at the sun trying to reflect on if they chose the right profession. It's said they hate being parked in handicapped spots. Blow to their fragile egos.

Virus aka dangerous unicorn on far left compared to smoke you can see to the far right. Holes in surgery masks only stop globs of spit, it does not stop any of the above yet your HELL deartments lied and lied and spread lies all over your face telling you to become ODD because as you saw one year prior in 2019 March the new fashion of masks presented by, what are the ODDs of this, Kovid, yet face fashion was presented by Kovid and he won the contest. CDC was proud to sponsor new facials thinking it would start a fashion trend in yet another way to screw the public.

This is also known as setting you up March-19.  

Look ma, BERNIE SANDERS got 2 million dollars from pHARMa. Says he gets no money from pHARMa. I'm confused.

OMG Poke-us-Haunt-us in the Senate got 1.2 million USpHARMa $$ and always vomits all over everyone this puke, "vaccine manufacturers often run on very thin profit margins". If we don't get Bobby in there they'd nominate that piece of the lie pie. She and Bernie and others protects the IMMUNITY of pHARMa companies. Can't sue them no matter how many people die of their injections of anti-freeze. Been immune for 40 years since the democrats installed the A.faucidae form of poisoning treats. Why would there be lawsuits if the product was safe? Americans were bamboozled big starting in the aids daze. LEARN MORE.

Great commentary and analysis by JP Sears comedy.

October 29, 2019 is a very important date to remember. See why.

Jimmy Dore on the non deranged nomination and installation of the 100% sane Bobby Kennedy.

Oh good, Trump is cutting demonic cratish quest to blend men and women into one gender, no more girls making men uncomfortable in the locker rooms and places to take a piss. Being that the women get more equal protection rights than men it was especially difficult for men when these women were in men's changing areas where they could see the scar on their dicks from the child abuse of moderna medi sins hospitals and knowing that the foreskin holocaust continues (FHD) in the Circumcised States Of America (SCOA) everywhere and congress does NOTHING to stop it. 

Ketchup Kliniks! Getting up to date with the vaccines that pHARMa wants for your kids in Toronto without you knowing about it. Vaccines are junk science. Take your kids out of school that day says Tenpenny as they planned to rape all 11th graders with pHARMa jizz.

Quite Frankly podcast 4pm pacific every weekday. No bars held.

Ya know what, I think Democrats are playing games. Pretending to be oh so upset with Trump while they make all the insider trades they need to make their wealth keep soaring.

THE HIGH WIRE fantastic episode February 6, 2025 with Del Bigtree and Jeffrey Jackson and guests. Prebunking as a sneaky way of propganda. Injecting aluminum pans after dinner for your health is bad science so aluminum being injected with anti-freeze in vaccines is obviously only good for aluminum and anti-freeze sales. 1/4 of 1 millionth of a gram in a vaccine. Insane. Theres more in the air you breathe in one gulp of air, and you breathe in and out all day long. My gawd enough about the aluminum.

FUNNY. Bobby Sausalito on the constitution and popping out babies on American soil.
Border secure? Welcome to Uncut Secure Alleged. If you need that interpreted it means that security was circumcised, now repaired as it was exactly like before with no cut scar which is usually impossible to even repair after a securly fastened hood a country is born with to be as it was prior to being the border it once was with no border scar at all intact as it was before it was invaded.

Trump reinstates with all back pay, benefits, etc. to 8K+ military brave ones who were wrongly kicked out based on terribly unfortunate adoption of lies that were provide the public for decades coming from the rotten branch of science of virology. This member of the ARMY did a TikTok while in uniform explaining in detail what happened. We need more like him to uniformly call out when we are given orders that make NO SENSE. This guy should be president some day. He went broke, went through a divorce, had to move in with his parents with 2 kids and live in the basement, as the military leaders that followed PAN and his debauchery cut off all his funds after he called out all his "superiors" for the mistakes they were making. I like the part about media brainwashing it's viewers as a cause for the PAN demic psychosis which modified the RNA of even the strongest of brains. One was spotted in Los Angeles who was out on an avocado run prepared for the dangerous unicorn wars all around. In the end WW3 wasn't what we expected but it's over now. Everyone understands viruses are dangerous unicorns. Going to war with illusions is stupid. What? The war isn't ending until 2029?

Can't say we weren't warned, Kovid appeared in March 2019 one year prior to SHOWTIME.

Ben Still was paid $4 million for this gig?

We are always shown maps of the United States with each state outlined, they are ALL WRONG just like the garbage science of virology. The correct way to show the outlines of the states disincludes the INDIAN TERRITORIES. They are their own countries. Navajo Nation which is NOT IN ARIZONA but is surrounded in part by Arizona is the largest Indian territory there is that is SURROUNDED by the territories of the United States. Please spare us this nonsense of changing the calendar of the year by 1/365.25th to "Indianigious Persons Day". Change all maps to show INDIAN territories within. This will be helpful in about 365.25 ways every year. America is a continent it is not a country. Africa is a continent it is not a country. The United States (TUS) is a country.

New buzz, valley fever. If you don't live in the desert southwest you have likely never heard of it and of course the injection of China's chemical pHARMa waste cult is showing up with the same old bullshit, they are working on a vaccine to prevent fungus. So their junk science goes like this, inject you with fungus to stimulate (irritate) your body so it responds and is prepared for war better next time you breathe. It's circumcised logic once again performing it's incision without your permission.

NO THANKS says Bobby.

She wants to speak with Jody Fisher about the pilots spraying the air with heavy metals. She has the chemical analysis of the air after they fly over and dump the chemicals. She's a mother and she and her community are concerned, want it to stop, and are monitoring what they are doing. Calls to the company are not returned. She recorded conversation with the pilot. Many areas have noticed chemical smells in the air after planes fly over.

Adulticides being sprayed, helloooooo? What the fuck, trying to kill adults? The planes come in from North Dakota to Sonora, Turlock. Spray for snow in mountains. 5000 micrograms aluminum? That's 5 parts per million. That's a threat? That's on par with claiming 5 more dollars added to 1,000,000 is going to make you a billionaire. Pesticides adulticides THOSE are a threat. Those are serious poisons. Large quantities of poison. Those are nerve agents. They are used to murder living things. Those results are verifyable. Bugs drop like flies. VISIT ? or study better first what actually happens with such SMALL QUANTITIES of aluminum and go from there to be with people instead.

News report, 90 years old the couple had home in the California hills fire area "Eaton Fire" paid insurance on their home for 75 years, that would be they bought the home in the 1950's so that's par for the course of many homes up there, the daughter explains THEIR INSURANCE WAS CANCELLED right before the fire. So we have 75 years of payments made to the royalty of these COMPANIES and the profits disbursed all over the world. CEO of State Farm paid $24 million in one year! The report by junk news of course just reports the drama. We don't know if the home was saved by the water hose or if it even needed saving at all. Likely not because if we do the simple task of looking at the fire map and noting the it was said the home was North of Sierra Madre Boulevard we see only a small area of homes butting directly up against the hills and mountains there were burned, almost all areas north of that Boulevard were not affected by fire other than smoke. On the other hand, it could be that they were in that zone butting up and THAT is why they were cancelled, not because of an "evil insurance company" but because by the time California's loony "save the planet policy before humans and homes" got so bad the company had determined they simply could not take the risk of certain areas butting up against MASSIVE DRY FORESTS that California refused to clear the underbrush because it keeps worrying about saving critter's lives over people. Thing is they push equality and equity and when the brush burns the critters go underground or just run away and come back later or build new fox holes, people can't do that so if California truly was devoted to a balance of equity and equality the state would make sure that people's homes and communities were protected. Please don't got to the HELLth department on this, they will tell you to wear a condom. We have been through their delusions before over and over again, they are sick and should get help at one of Dr. pFill's non sexual abusive mental camps.

Canada’s chief public health officer and leader of psychological operations for better health, Dr. Thomas Tam, a famous actor in masquerade of hellth show business, is set to retire in June. He nuked public trust in pHARMa products. So now all they want to do is build back trust better, not heal people, because royalties are drying up from their genetic modifying organism clot shots.

TRANS matterers will sometimes say that its no one elses business which gender they are. First that implies there are only two which is accurate. Next the then will be referred to "the wrong gender" and be pissed that you made it your business which gender they are. This proves they are lying to you and themself.

President Trump spoke at the prayer breakfast what ever that is, I guess they pray for the 6 million holocausted chickens souls that the USA killed and they pray for eggs to be cheap again. Like some religious folk they say to pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray for your prayers to be answered rather than do the work yourself to fix it so the hellth department of agrivating culture holocaust on high quality protein never happens again. He said he thinks America should be religious again. Religions are sets of beliefs about things that cannot be proven real so it makes sense that he's the Heavenly Father of vaccines that was thrown out of Heaven by God with imaginary Satan as the father has a religious devotion to imaginary and dangerous unicorns as do many of the brainwashed in his cult of being fearful of things that are not even things that measure 1 billionth of a billionth of the size of the head of a pin. They are so small they cannot be seen in any optical device, they rely on being seen by religious devotion as described by cult leaders in the rotten branch of virology that keeps falling on everyone's head and they blame Chicken Little instead of looking at what's really going on around them.

They see what they want to see.

I saw my foreskin once. I was born looked down it was there. God gave it to me as a prophylactic to prevent harm. Then it was soon to be sliced off by the sick religion of medi SIN which SINS all the time stealing body parts for costmetics, junk science research, and it's sick pleasure, and never paid my parents for taking my body part, instead they added a charge to the bill when they "delivered me" and added a surcharge for a delivery "tip". What a slap in the face. The United Sickness of Medisin's Delusions (US/MD) is a disgusting system of abuse and drug dealing. #1 cause of death in the USA is medical intervention. No cancer and heart disease are not at the top, they kill people with chemical "therapy" more than save them. Therapists are rapists look at that very word therapists it's wright there in your face, THE RAPISTS.

They follow the science FICTION on viruses that DO NOT EXIST on this planette. They do not follow the data. They follow the money they steal. They spend the money. They are all in this together. They followed whatever it took to put their plan in action to TRANS form people into genetically modified organisms for their portfolio health that is if the patents are correct in it's claim with out proof that mrna vaccines are GENETIC MODIFICATION methods of treatment but I don't buy that claim, nonetheless the idea is they make people a genetically modified organism (GMO) to make they the ones that fight off the dangerous unicorn. Time for a divorce from moderna medi SIN it's a relationship that circumcises any form of logic. Woman calls out the science lies that everything pHARMa rests on as Bobby listens to her concerns she says she want's a divorce from pHARMa jizz.

In the 2nd millenium after the Priest sliced off half of Jesus dick to heal him from the disease of being whole - where he was then immediately indoctrinated into believing he had to ask his father's forgiveness when ever he sneezed - people spent a lot of time on treadmills, meetings, video conferences, basically going nowhere. Some countries banned such child abuse. Others claimed they were sent by The Father to make sure that practice was not stopped until they made it perfect. If logic prevailed in this society they would circumcise going in circles rather then unintacting baby men while then as they become adults marry themselves to expecting them to be like God who never had his foreskin chopped the fuck off him. Satan never did this to any child of God only the Holy of Holys do this sick thing.

February 5, two thousand and 25 years after they hacked off Jesus dick to make him a better person and for the greater good of priests perpetuating child abuse we wonder what part of spoiled food is that makes us sick? Is it the bacteria or fungus? Intact thinking offers a good analogy comparing to relationships to others. 50 years into having "discovered" intact polio and it's cause, the science still did not have proof. That didn't stop the traveling medisine side show and it's Mr. Haney Enter Prizes marketing departments. Viruses have been proven in a court of law - one in Germany that supremely listened to the full analysis, unlike most people who only listen to the crowd which gets its delusions from tv and whatever the science fiction of moderna medi sin tells them - that viruses do not exist. Viruses only exist in minds and tv blabbering of regurgitated messes of junk science and it's endless variants of illusions and in billing departments.

Blue light from diode treatments from computer screens can be extremely harsh. Same with the new governmant mandated blue LED on car headlights so awful. We can't adjust those but we can on our computer screens. Go to your settings and tone it down to night lighting for a warm look. It doesn't change it from being a diode though. Cathode ray screens were much softer.

Choose the night light on and under "night light settings" you can choose the hours, if you want it warm most of the time set the time frame there.

How often do Nu Clear Power Plants need watering to put out fires? Never. Wind turbines are always catching fire. They use oil! Filled with 500 gallons of oil for lubrication and hydraulics. You thought they were clean? JUST STOP OIL means stopping all wind and solar projects. Probably paid for by the solar and wind companies as a joke on those who keep propping them up like props in movie sets as that is all wind farms are is head spinning props creating illusions and pacifiers.

California. The underbrush never gets cleared out. Jim Jordan and Greta Van Susteren. The fires are symbolic of the problem with the underbrush in governing, politics, greed and theft by politicians and their cronies that never gets cleared out. The underbrush of firey HELL th departments and the pHARMa drug dealing pushing systems never gets cleared out. The underbrush of insider trades never get cleared out.

That's why one year after Kovid introduced us to pHARMas fashionable ODD they pulled the trigger there was a firestorm of destruction in methods of actually preventing disease. The underbrush was the belief in viruses WHICH DO NOT EXIST.

Stop These Things rounds up the news on disabled energy camouflage green systems of trickle energy which uses energy and depends on OIL ending week of February 2nd. That game changing Ivanpah solar bird incinerator claimed to make green energy fly is dead. It's that ugly ass solar project we saw off Interstate 15 going to Vegas. It used mirrors to direct energy to a boiler on top of a tower to heat water to turn a generator to make steam. This heat would escape into the atmos.

Eggs $6.44 per dozen people are complaining because that's all humanoids ever do. That's still only 54 cents per egg. Highest quality protein in all foods according to USDA science from the 1950's. Frozen chicken can be called fresh in the new daze, 48 hours frozen for better shipping protection from spoil, then it's thawed out and displayed packaged as "fresh". Such a lie. David Knight unravels the lies. USDA corrupt. Shutting down small farms. Conniving tests are a fraud. Viruses are a lie. Wake up. The purpose is to contaminate the public with new vaccines through the food and shovel money from the CASH/COWS. People won't take the shit shots anymore. Shut down these govern meant agencies. Waffle House adds surcharge 50 cents due to bird flu USDA corruption. Theives are now stealing eggs like in prohibition daze they stole alcohol. Eggs in Mexico are $1.40 per dozen. Moderna medisin side shows are selling egg seeds. It's replacing all those "buy gold" commercials.

Before we let govern meant force us delete cash and go all digital they need to be forced to show a simpler model works, first ban pencils and pens and make all communication by any means digital and see how that works out. Words? No that uses airwaves which are not digital, all communication must go through a computer processor to correct it. Promissory note? Not even typed and certainly not written out only governmeant approved digital ones and zeros. Some of us remember the hype of going all paperless. More paper is used today than ever. Even more recently the hype was ban plastic bags. Now we pay ten cents for each PLASTIC BAG that we still use for poop and these bags are 8x thicker so that's 8x the waste. Does help carry out the poop in govern meant erroring though being that there is so much of it the bags don't break so it's all good.

Gemma O'Doherty was 1st in line to expose the covid fraud after the calendar that called it out months ahead even years. Here she discusses culture thrown into a blender poured all over us as if we are a race casserole.

An0maly guest clarifies language being abused "no you don't have an issue with guns or knives you have an issue with violence". Yea, governments do have an issue with violence. Should talk first about how it happens on baby men with knives in priests and doctors hands and how there's not even a law against that. Govern meant has no interest in that subject. More interested in all it's drama.

Moderna science is obsessed with finding causes of disease so like many obsessions it makes up the cause out of it's imaginations. If we ponder this quest for finding causes we might wonder whayyyy doesn't it spend as much time and money into finding the cause of enemies. Why are there enemies? Is a dangerous unicorn an enemy?

The Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer Wednesday February 5 2025. Trump plans to give Palestine to himself and his new casino investors saying the winnings will give everyone in his audience a new car and a new home and unlimited winnings.

Do we live on EARTH? Move one letter and it's HEART. We don't live on The Bible but like with dangerous unicorns that are called viruses you can't stop people from believing in imaginary things. We know this for sure, The Bible is not a planet.

Trump revived the mantadory understanding in all chapters of US governmeant to confirm there are ONLY 2 genders as a recurring foundation of life's reality. Great to have real leaders who work from that simple fact as a base, as compared to their Sponge Bob Square Pants imagination training systems that were taking orders derived from the most fun of episodes in that cartoon where Bob was telling his friend "all you have to do is use your imaaaagination".

Man thinks with his church. Protect it.

 & now the bad news

We live in a world free of viruses!

we don't live in a world free of illusions

Copyright 2025 - written by Ai - Authentic intelligence.