Today's Date! NEWS
It's time to get ready for a great new president to be sworn in. Start swearing. Now sworn. YMCA village people singing in prep here!!! Hey all u moderna SIN medias and qwerty right$ group$ tell us again how Trump hates gays we need a good laugh ROFL.

Excellent play Mr. YMCA man. Hear original 1970's version now!

Show me the study.

72 vaccines required be pharma raping kids to attend school their parents and others pay for, Fauci calls RFKjr a liar for 8 years as RFK says there has never ever been a safety study. RFK and Aron Siri sue Fauci in court and win. RFK is correct. Democrat party could care less about your health they only care about the money from drug stocks. They installed Fauci 40 years ago. Gays massacred by chemo drug AZT. There never was any virus ever. There's no downstream liability there's no marketing costs. Vaccines are all HIV.

The Palisades and Altadena fires are mostly under control. Check the fire link above for maps by Calfire but new round of fire weather warnings starts Monday 1/20/25. By Wednesday to Friday it goes to possible critical fire weather. Incident update on Palisades fire on youtube 1/18/25. Start at about 8 min in. It's a great view of how these operations are well managed.

See an example of some good science and methodology about fires and blue roofs at

Everyone is a colonist. Only 1/10th of 99.666th of the world is not, they live deep in the jungles where even that is a colony.

Beware the rustlers selling Direct Energy Weapons if they even exist, aka DEW as "the cause of these dramatic fires" now being exploited for cash flow just like all of these popular medias do. First, they have no direct evidence this item was used to "ignite the fires" whereas in high winds it's common for electrical power lines to fall and spark fires which is why after the Paradise fire in the northern mountains of California power companies started upgrading their lines in risk areas. Now we have people coming out of the woodwork making absurd claims and the internet is the place for these piles of rubbish. Robert Brame presents himself as a "forensic arborist" and has stated he does this as a HOBBY. He is making wild claims that eucalyptus trees burn easily with just a cigarette lighter and the trees should burn in fires that burn sideways. Many are falling for this junk analysis. Grass fires do not always burn trees, often they just burn grass and the easily combustible materials in homes. Greg Reese presents his drama featuring this gentleman. Claims fire fighters never saw a window in a car melt. So then DEW melts windows? Microwave energy melts glass? What a rustle. I have never seen any glassware melt in a microwave. Peggy Hall has fallen for this guys bull oney, hook, line, sinker once again, this time from her 2nd home in Florida preaching the gospel of DEW. I used to like her analysis of the corona halo fraud. She's now unsubscribed. Can't stand listening to this blabbering anymore. We would like an explanation by another source though on why there's charred wood at the fence post bolts. Claim is made microwaves did it but what, are these DEW which must be from planes above or satellites higher up or alien space craft from Uranus only targeting each post one at a time? Makes no sense. Claim is made that many trees are burning from the inside out with no hole for the flames to get inside if it was not microwaved. So what Mr. Brame, sap is set on fire by microwaves? I can't repeat that experiment in my microwave with such results. Many trees have holes. Ever heard of wood peckers, they build nests inside trees. This guy's analysis is full of holes.

Stupid smart meter analyis on the fires possible cause. Not grounded? There's a ground on these easily seen but it's said the grounding is faulty inside? Litho batt inside? As big as one in a hearing aid? In Maui wildfire event where 1,400 homes burned it's claimed 60,000 pounds of litho batts were pulled from homes for recycle. That's 42 pounds per home? How do we know any of these claims are valid. Recycling into what? "Probably vaccines". Should people if evacuating and they have a stupid smart meter for their electric power measuring of use TURN OFF THE BREAKER at the main power box? Yes it will cause food to spoil but might this save a home? Interesting analysis by Remarque and other's reference materials to consider.

Coming soon more hustle for a "cure for HIV". Dr. Jane Ruby critiques Bill Gates meeting with Trump. They will sell this to the world in clever marketing like was done with the corona halo thingy and the 40 year old mess of the hi virus that was a sham, then theys will claim they cured HIV this time using new warped tech artificial betterthaneverology. HIV as they call it never was proven to exist. Kary Mullis the inventor of PCR which he clearly stated Dr. Faucistein and his evil friends misuses pointed this out in an interview saying he was looking for the evidence it existed and realized the men involved had none, "this whole thing is a sham" he stated.

Is rainwater being tested for chemicals and viruses that don't exist? Is any testing even at all accurate? Not unless it's a math test in 2nd grade.

12 minutes to slow the frauds of moderna medi SIN.

Hellth and human services in Texas. Passed HB 1181 in 2023. Requires websites to lie just like all the corona hustle lies that were required that came out of the liars in the HHS. Tennessee has better speed bumps. The public wants RFK jr. instead of those who worked or the pharmaceutical companies to head hellth and human services department now. How about just abolishing this waste of our money.

Tom Cowan speaks about HP "virus" and genetics as causes. The moderna medi SIN system does the unthinkable, it takes foreskins they harvest from LIVING BABY BOYS and use it for their junk science in virology and bill everyone fore-skin-it. Genital mutilation for profit and torture. STOP. Viruses do not exist so all of this is a waste of our money and harmful.

Mike Stone writes further, Looking back at the original papers, it was clear that the human “papillomavirus” (HPV) was nothing more than random particles found in ground up wart tissue. There was no attempt at purification/isolation of any “virus” nor was there any proof of pathogenicity. The researchers claimed that the particles they picked out from the impure samples… Continue reading

Mike Stone writes about HP virus on, In order to understand the deception of virology, it is important to trace every “virus” to its point of origin in order to see that there is no credible proof of any purified and isolated “virus” at any point in its history. Often times, this leads one to the investigation of so-called plant and animal… Continue reading

Vintage VW blue & white van drives in to Pacific Palisades after fire, parks, someone films it, and it becomes Jesus second coming which by the way no one is paying attention to what he said when he left the planet the first time, "Fuk hell no will I ever come back to this shitty place, unless, they all ban hacking off the hood of saviors dicks".

Pastors preach repentance. Odd, they never mention this need for repenting for the sin of chopping off male savior's foreskin. They have been asked why they are so HELL bent against TRANS forming body parts on children with "trans sexuality" while they go around trans forming baby men at birth making them TRANS SEXUALS. It's really bizarre to hear them talk in churches about that.

Everywhere the sell-e-brity Peter McPumpkin goes he's selling his early treatment protocol. Sorry he's not a "good doctor" he's a quack. Quack quack quack. He's quite the showman. He remains married to the virus theory as it fills his portfolios with cash. Fox news part of the problem they pushed the virus lie early on and their money comes from drug ads. McCullough routinely went to committee hearings spreading lies about fake variants never proven to exist which he kept perpetuating the lie to public officials in charge of making decisions of viral cause when no such thing was ever proven to exist and he has been made well aware of this and walks away from all discussions on this topic as we see here on Christine Massey's website where she compiled list of 225 official institutions including CDC and HHS that have no records proving any virus is anything more than a dangerous unicorn and a story of fiction used to sell drugs people do not need as there are no new diseases just new marketing scams. Dr. Sam Bailey points out McCullough claims he has seen a virus up close. How close and how intimate? Did he have sex with it? No one has seen a virus up close. He's a liar. Study Christine's discussion with him also on this topic. That clever little fellow deceives the public routinely and in this segment on Fox news after they trash Zuckerberg for "censoring" makes himself appear like he's the good guy. Again it's not Zuckerberg that went to official governing hearings testifying as an expert that variants were causing harm it was McCullough so he should not be listened to regarding anything he says he's a hustler selling his kits everywhere he goes and selling insecticides to shove up his patients noses to "kill viruses" that do not exist. He's been offered chances to prove his assertions and can't provide any evidence other than his sales hustle pitches and quackery.
Dr. Jane Ruby reports the J6ers all pardoned and released from prison. We would like to see Trump pardon all of homos who have been imprisoned by the multiple previous administrations lies that for decades have locked them into believing they needed to PrEP with pHARMa junk science daily pills in order for them to falsely feel safe from HARM when expressing their inate sexual drives with those they engage. These imprisoned homos wouldn't be ingesting this junk science if it wasn't for pHARMa science lie$ about viruses THAT DO NOT EXIST.

The Dick Show 1/20/2025

Love isn't true it's just something we do.

It's fun to stay at the I-AM-SO-GAY

Dog and cat know what the camera does.
Those who set them up don't have a clue.

Today without getting Tic'd and Tok'd we feel so much safer.

A. Faucistein mad scientist: "Pardon me, I meant to kill as many gays as possible with my royalty full poison drug AZT. I did nothing wrong."

Male sea otter asks for help from people folk to save his mate another male sea otter that was stuck in a fishing net.

DIE is dead. You expected it to live? ROFL. Waaaaaaaaaa. Hey AYOK, go crawl under a rock will ya.

Karl Dane ends life. No Tic Tok back in the silent film era so what caused it? Let's ask Mr. Pardoned the happy mad rich scientist for $6 billion of all the money he got from CON regress to study this in order to save lives as if only one life is saved as Oprah blabbered in her glory hole daze of TV hustle "it's all worth it". See page from newspaper in 1934. He had a featured role in the big parade silent film of 1925.

Jeff Berwick on World Alternative media chimes in
on current events.

Jim Fetzer & Gary review last weeks events. Palestinians are semites? Later in the show. Duper's delight on getting into character.

Recycled energy is doomed.
Nu Clear is the future.

Dr. Jay Varma scumbag on his monkey pox hustle scam,"we're trying to get the media to say it was designed the wrong way....that's what we want the story to be".

"Spinning it in the media is helpful" to get the public to believe another of infinite studies the public pays for will be done the right way. The plan is to make ever vaccine mrna junk science crap for ever bigger profits. They all could care less about anyone's health.

Vivik Vama Swami money made by pump and dump schemes. Corrupt piece of junk science politician crap making money on drugs that were poison as most of them are. It was an alzheimer's drug. He always knew it was a worthless drug and stock. Made millions off losses of mom and dads trying to make a little money honestly in the stock market.

This piece of garbage has been pushing climate change for decades. Acts like a hero whisle blower. That's his gig. The "terrible leadership" was something he helped put in place.

Purified water
from Walmart contains de-icer made by pHARMa.

Calcium chloride is commonly encountered as a hydrated solid with generic formula CaCl2·nH2O, where n = 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6. These compounds are mainly used for de-icing and dust control. Calcium chloride has a very salty taste and can cause mouth and throat irritation at high concentrations, so it is typically not the first choice for long-term oral supplementation (as a calcium supplement).

So drinking this all the time seems will irritate throats and mouths. How much of this is added to cow feed causing irritated hoof and mouth disease? Who cares? Certainly not HHS and all the portfolios filling up with your cash selling chemicals like candy.

Biden pardoned Fauci for this poison being in "purified" water as well as pardoning him for the homo holocaust that fed my dead friends AZT chemo (chemical) the rapy when they were living. Fauci changed so many definitions of words during his 40 year reign as Queen so that he and his buds could obtain royalties so no one could keep a proper count.

Fire destroys entire city.
This was 1906. San Francisco burned to the ground! Since that time fire response and resources have saved many lives and homes. California has regular "fire seasons" where brush is dry.
The earthquake that day was the cause that led to other causes that led to other causes.

What causes a plane to act like this? Impossible 9/11 crane view.

Facial recognition with all it's major flaws and errors declared illegal in 2020 by judge in South Wales for breaching privacy laws. First case in the world. Example of dude being questioned by police shows this Orwellian quest for control of every move everyone makes that looks "suspicious" which is based on paranoia and absurd analysis of people's behavior.

Developers are actually ruling the world. What the hell is that? The US embassy is about 50.666 times bigger than it should be in Beruit, Lebanon.

She built a fair and square business using TicTok and now con regress is banning it, by a handfull of votes, led by people who buy votes.

Members of congress buy stock in Meta as they ban competitor which is a private company. How she helped the world helped her family and community and now by a vote by corrupt politicians it's all going poof. Another absurd vote was done by "the science" where the committee kept flip flopping on if Pluto is a planet or a rock. Never did get resolved absolutely, only by a vote. So now "it's a planet". That is how the science of other things we can't actually see goes such as in studying viruses which have never been seen absolutely by anyone.

102 year old man cries as he shares loss of his loved one named TicTok. It opened the door to him tell stories and his children would listen.

Obvioulsly govern meant banned Tic Tok to save mountain lions from such ill treatment as seen here.

Hellth departments would say their science shows these creatures are as vicious as viruses and to kill them. Think about this, after humanity has endured lie after lie by HELL departments what if viruses were pussy cats? They get viscious when trapped by treatments and kind when rescued? Who the fuck told you viruses were real and a danger, LIARS?

Fauci, Redfield, Rick Bright they are all disgusting con men liars. Give us back our money.

Sorry but I don't do business with companies that torture animals as does moderna medi SIN, pHARMa, HELLth compartmentalists, and all ancillary functions of dangerous unicorn hunting.

Here's how udderly retarded the science of virus hunting is, if the virologist looked at this photo it would say the virus invaded the dog bed and killed the dog.

Same problem with climate junk pseudo science and the never ending hype the solar and wind pushers claim will "power millions of homes" nonsense. My car battery generates enough to power 1.999999 million homes. Your car and a potato can power your city. Here's how.

Joseph Hanvey says to not cling to any man and not to any model of earth shape, then says he clings to Jesus and he's a wretched sinner and ony because of Jesus he's not. That was so funny and contradictory. He has some brilliant perspectives on how to explain where we live and reflections and how the sun and moon actually works. I's suggest getting rid of that model of saviors though, it's a model, and you ain't a sinner. He mentions our body is our church, not a building. I discovered this just recently. My church was my foreskin. It was stolen from me, amputated from my body, by sinners. I will not forgive them. They haven't even repented for their sin.

 & now the bad news

We live in a world free of viruses!

we don't live in a world free of illusions