Face Masks are Oxygen Deprivation Devices (ODD)
It was all a mask charade aka masquerade party to change flu shot technology to save the failing flu shot business and rebrand it, then shove it into treating cancer based on lies, and again make it billions.
There is something very very ODD about using Oxygen Deprivation Devices as a means to allegedly generate HELL th. A large group of people bought into the lie that adding and air filter over one's aire intake and exhaust is a smart app. It might have made sense if we were cars and trucks where the air flows only one way but this is stupidity at it's finest of stupidness to put cloth over one's face thinking that it would stop anything smaller than the holes that let air through. Seems those pushing wearing these breath diapers are saying we are s*^t heads in a subliminal kind of way when you look at the absolute science and toss out the relative science they use 95% of the time to trick you into buying their products that you don't need for "prevention". Routinely called "face diapers" the truth was masked as alleged health experts PAN delusionalized us for about the 666th trillionth time to sell products we don't need. A mask face cannot filter out a particle of any dangerous unicorn labeled as a "virus", they are too small and are too big in the imagination to filter out any more than trying to rid the body of carbon dioxide that is in the air. Masking is insane cult behavior spurred on by psychopaths and those who get sucked into these cults. It shows who the liars are in the Hell t.H. departments and compartments as they mostly all know that all any mask is good for is dust storms that are huge particles and keeping spit and drool that is constantly pouring all over all the huge sums of money constantly filling their portfolios as they do surgery on the mind. In 2020 hindsight started reporting on installing air filters on heads that don't have the ability to filter out "viruses" any more than a chain link fence would filter out mosquitoes from a yard. TV just blabbered the crap that comes out of health departments who are all now on record as admitting THEY HAVE NO PROOF ANY VIRUS EXISTS. If you start to think of PublicHealth as it is called in California as marketing arms for the drug companies it starts making sense. If this modern a medi SIN industry was sincere it would have had endless commercials to sell Pine-Sol as EPA points out it kills viruses including the imaginary virus that causes the big business and marketing condition of covid-19. |