Today's Date! NEWS
Compare to Northridge quake
6.7 in 1994 that blew buildings off their foundations in
the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles city proper and
apartments collapsed and San Fernando quake 1971 where a
new "earthquake proof" hospital new build collapsed. And
now there are massive wildfires in the mountain ranges
above the city.
Check our fire section.
"stye in the eye carbon guy" Nye the junk science guy
blows carbon bubbles like kids blow soap bubbles having
fun with telling us how great carbon is back in the
1990's, 1980's, or was this in the 1970's when carbon
did not exist.
See how he was all pro carbon before then when the money
was shifted to bastardizing it he was all bad carbon
bad. He's a clown and a hustler and follows the
money like all bad actors do like that Robbie guy in
that Sandy Hook show.
Watch how the Stye Guy pushed making people take
vaccines that contain a chemical stew including anti
freeze when Del Bigtree called him out. Watch how
Nye reads the script.
Dr. Jane Ruby in
bucking the virus muzzles.
Energy abuse!
Public Health is a fraud. It ignores
Individual Health.
David Knight 9/12/24
Immigration abuse. The
groups that make it easy are getting government funding
and are making big money ruining Springfield.
Residents say it is a CULTURE PROBLEM no one cares
about race they care about people grabbing ducks in the
park and cutting off their heads and eating them and
creating garbage everywhere and standing in people's way
in Walmart.
They run stop signs it's straining resources.
They cannot speak english they put
mattresses in her yard and live there, 45 years resident
they are leaving, cannot take it, council could care
less, they follow the money. They follow what the
special interest immigration pushers who care about the
Man says Hatians culture routinely does voodoo and eats
cats. Listen to man testify and of course cut off at
the end of his "2.666 minutes" allotted time who works
with the homeless of all kinds, citizens of all types,
one who was told by landlord they wanted to remodel,
they had to leave then could come back, and the landlord
refused, did he rent to Hatians that get vouchers?
Listen how he asks council what are they going to do
with the money from federal government.
They are obviously more interested in the money.
What a sick system. Watch how cats are reacting
now walking on tightropes and Del Bigtree is always
walking The Highwire.
Alan Derschowitz is disgusting. He was calling for
locking people up and forcing covid injections of pharma
sludge in anyone who resisted as many times as Public
HELLth would claim is needed. They work for pHARMa.
Claims he's no longer a member of the democrat party.
What a liar. Sounds more like another temper tantrum. He
should grow up.
Virus hunter$ basically look at a trash dump
landfill and point at pile and say "that causes
the deterioriation of buildings and society. The trash
enters the community and wreaks havoc having a mind of
it's own". They never actually watch what they blame as
"the cause" in action nor do they ever isolate "the
virus" from all the other junk. Viruses cannot even be
seen all imagery presented is guesses without a shred of
evidence all these institutions sucking our cash even
to this now in writing. That is because they don't
exist they are fariy tales. When they circle or put an
arrow on an image of the "virus junk pile" which is just
really a pile of putrifying sludge saying "here's the
virus" they are just making a claim like any similar
hustler or criminal would point and claim someone else
did it like how congress points around at others balming
everyone else or a particular group rather than blame
itself as it lavishes these other criminals and hustlers
with billions of tax revenues.
Virology is a hustle and
a complete waste of resources.
On September 11, 2001 the world changed. Actually it
didn't, stupid people changed. Laws changed. The world
is the same. It's flat. Perceptions changed. Time to
change back to what it was, or better, go back 100 years
so we can have nice cars again.
It's 911 day did you forget yet? No of course not modern
medias will not let you forget it's their business
model. They have no problem letting you forget what Dr.
Fauci Mengle did though when he force fed the gays his
poison pills resurrected like Jesus for redemption from
their sexual sins. That poison was AZT. Christine
Maggiorie now dead from other medi SIN drugs and other
parts of every disease RECIPIE wrote a book about all
the science lies and that killer drug. Now
Dr. Judy Micovitz another mad scientist claims
INTERFERON (note the word interfere) which
interferes with normal body processes was a cure. I
watched a sexual friend die from that poison you stupid
shit. Judy oh Judy who was fired by Fauci's lab long ago
and still holdes a grudge trashes Fauci with good
reasonws but it's like they are both on their high
horses in battle with each other's egos so high up in
the clouds that they see the world below quite different
than the rest of us. I think there is something inately
wrong in the head with people that go into this
"science" of things that cannot be seen like all
religions. Happy 911 day!
Abortion drug injected as a rape shot oh that makes
sense. Tris, or
tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, or known during
medical use as tromethamine or THAM (as in
the resa tham).
Creates road blocks in the body's routes of travel.
Promoted by HELL th care that hunts viruses for
sport. When we go to the doctor and it says it wants to
give us a shot we see a needle attached to their crotch
and them mounting our arms and fucking us. That is why
we call it rape. It's by force. Body says NO and they
don't listen. Mad science only cares what portfolio$
Just like with Kovid when that whole debacule fell off
the runway and every
one said "I caught Kovid" the small businesses are
getting treated different than Walmart and Home Depot,
this time it's with sidewalk signage. Yucca Valley in
Californa, a lovely desert area north of Palm Springs is
planning to have small business jump through hoops to
have sandwich signs on the sidewalk.
No more than 6.666 inches away from the building.
This might be part of the bigger plan of 14.666 minute
cities making sure signs are close enough to stores so
as not to be seen for what they are signs of a bigger
Dr. Jane Rudy blows the whistle on vaccines that
were not even legally actually that at all they were
just "therapy" and harmful.
Terrible wilderness fires in California
mountains near Big Bear, Running Springs and Forest Falls evacuated
resource links here
Homeless who lived in recreational vehicles now
temporarily homevisitful and
now RVless as they destroyed all they had to "fix the
problem". Authorities always bring up it's for their
health they worry for them during hot summers but it's
always really about NIMBY. They never ever fix the
problem. Imagine them doing that to the pioneers long
ago to "fix the problem". Many homes for the few, not
even an RV anymore for the many homeless. Sick.
Hollywood Bowl closed due to power outages from loony climate change
management that after 20 years of this horseshit in climate
stupidity performed by dodocrats still they haven't fixed it like they
said they would, they never will because they are idiots following the
lead of hustlers in Enron energy
Protest in Paris after Macron appoints Michel Barnier
prime minister
RT live at 6:36 am pt 7th September 2024 there
wasn't a face it diaper in sight.
Dr. Jane Ruby on why harm is pharma's first middle and
full name. She criquues Bobby Kennedy and misses
something. RFK jr sued Fauci over his lies that vaccines
have safety studies.
Here we here Bobby talk about him asking Fauci for those
copies where Fauci made excuses. The case exposed
that no vaccine safety studies have ever been done ever.
We have been lied to for decades. Trump never did this
nor did Biden nor has any other person. Keep this in
mind when thinking who to vote for.
How not to make popcorn.
Even if these were Venus fly traps the physics does not
add up. Impossible. CGI.
If you believe this then you believe this.
Harold Lloyd hanging from a clock over Hollywood in the
early 1900's movie making illusions of film. He was
actually just a few feet above the ground. The building
was real.
Two men on the moon it is real because we see it right
Bad acting looks real.
Interestingly the science fiction story of "typhoid
mary" wasn't released in medias until the 1930's right
at the time vaccines and antibiotics were ramping up
ready to be dumped on the public in a media marketing
blitz. Hmmmm.
The Baileys discuss the rotten branch of science.
Noticed in the 1980's inventing new diseases,
rebranding, last week it was "lymphoma" this week it was
"aids". Those of us who lived through that scam realized
in 2020 it was happening again but bigger and more
profitable than ever! Same basis of scamming the public
to sell tests, drugs, distruption. PCR finds molecules.
It's like finding dust and claiming it causes tidal
waves. Do 10 tests 5 are neg 5 are pos what do you do?
Throw them in the trash and get your money back. The
whole industry is a hustle. Hustle In Virology (HIV).
Doctors don't know that much about health.
CEO of Bayer
said they would have never gotten the public to
accept GENETIC MODIFICATION had they not
a panic in 2020 over dangerous unicorns. He had
a smile on his face knowing his portfolio keeps filling
up with cash.
Peggy Hall critiques these big money outfits that
Children's Health Defense chief officer of
something stupid writes a big pile of junk science about
studies. One of his stupid claims is a virus pesticide
nasal spray creates antibodies and protects from viruses
going up the nose. How? What junk science does that come
from? What the antibody just hangs in the nose?
Bullshit. Junk garbage claims. Millions and millions
pumped into pharmaceutical companies from your TAX
COFFERS. How about using that for things that are not
junk. We don't need any of this JUNK SCIENCE PRODUCTS
based on the lies of the dying art of dangerous unicorn
hunting. Note one company that sounds like cyanide junk
claims a vector will be used, is that another virus that
flys on the unicorn horns, air, in quest to make poison
David Knight on September 4, 2024 talks about squatters
as if every squatter in America who owns a home isn't a
squatter on native's land. He's basically an internet
preacher who's always passing around the collection
plate. Some sermons are good. Others avoid calling out
the abortion and amputation of foreskin on the living breathing
newborn child while
claiming he has more rights than the woman carrying her
fetus that she created who David disingenuously always
refers to as a child.
Fairy tales of green energy are shriveling up as the
breath of fresh air that contains a mere .0004th of it
as carbon dioxide and 78% of it as nitrogen cow farts
blow all over the putrid lies of fake clean energy that
was always just a hustle to grab yours.
Peggy Hall discusses Bobby Kennedy's positions
september 3 2024. Under the video it shows "covid-19
vaccine wikipedia a covid-19 vaccine is a vaccine
intended to provide acquired immunity against severe
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 the virus that
causes coronavirus disease 2019" which sounds like it
was written by a cartoon script writer. Some day we will
dissect it without formaldehyde found in those vaccines,
that is
polyethelyne glycol aka PEG which is a waterlogged
wood preservative. The junk science of mad science must
have used ai to determine people were wood or maybe it
consulted with the a.faucidae variant of hustle in
virology aka hiv. Wikipedia is
not known for it's accuracy nor balance in covering
health care matters they just regurgitate what pharma
run governing agencies like the FDA tell it.
For a better perspective on corona and the FDA gong show
go here and learn why viruses do not exist at
Jim Fetzer claims based on "reliable sources" Putin
was arrested.
Roguski who's been regularly updating the public on the
WHO nations agreements and disagreements and their
intentions to rule the world at
about one hour into the show. The United States is a
union of INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES not a democracy. Democrat
parties all drunk on power keep putting lampshades on
their heads standing on tables screaming "our democracy
is in peril". It's all very entertaining but it's all
getting old. A democracy does not exist
in the USA as the United
States is, a republic.
Roguski website here.
People aren't buying the latest strains of Hustles
In Virology of deNial virus that does not exist in a river
in Egypt or anywhere on earth!
An0maly points out even
the Associated Press headlined over the years that
vaccines cause harm with the latest resurrection of the
Devil in the Details of the dirty lawyer trick called
Is this example of parallax proof we live on a flat
planette? When we look at stars and planets there is
none but there is on Urth. Nice idea except that if we
live on a ball it's spinning like a top and about that
top is so small compared to everything in the distance,
the house, outside, everything, there would be no
parallax. The top is still round.
The example in the video with the lovely elevator music
is misleading. The distances are not the same as
tiny top called Urth which is a trillion times smaller
than the distances of "the planets and stars". There is
parallax between the car, the trees, the mountains as
the distances are not like what we see in relation of
Urth to planets and stars. It's like the example with
trees and mountains would be as far away as the planets
and the car would represent Urth and you could drive in
circles like we do in some circles in life and science
and the trees and mountains would not move as shown in
the video so it DOES NOT prove what it claims.
confesses: our DHCPP "experts" have never obtained
scientific evidence of any alleged "virus"... including
Why isn't this confession on TV when 75% of it's
advertisers are drug dealers. Oh that's why.
Why isn't CDC telling the public what
Del Bigtree
about ENCEPHALITIS being caused by vaccines? Oh that's
right, like Bobby Kennedy tells us over and over again,
the CDC is a vaccine company that keeps heads spinning
in round
illusions aka coronas. Latest buzz from the
Hustlers In Virology (CDC) is that there's a mosquito
carrying a virus (fake) that causes encephalitis that
started first doing this gig at the Nile River in Egypt
(LIE) after attending a virus crossing at the First Ring
Road Bridge ready to make it's way to America. So what will they do to fix it? Spray the air
with poison to kill what they call vector such as
readily found in Coachella Valley Vector and Mosquito
Control District and as the air spreads this poison to
everyone's lungs and some people get sick from these air
borne poisons modern a medi SIN and it's
dying junk
science branch of virology which needs to be cut off will of course blame a virus
instead of the poisons and tell you to accept their rape
with more chemicals drilled directly into your arms.
Here's a question why don't they just poison the entire
Nile River and the air there to end this fake problem of
viruses which is merely a business model to sell
chemicals and pacify after injecting fear into minds
over fake viruses. There is no logic in
viroliegy it is pseudo science.
The science doesn't know where the source of the water
is for the White Nile* yet the science claims it knows
mosquitoes carry a virus? Where is that picture of it
carrying this? How far did the science travel the
tributaries of these viruses? It's all Horseshit In
Virology (HIV). Note too if mosquitoes carry viruses so
does a
West Nile dust storm. The dust particle doesn't even
have to make stops for food on it's journey to America
and will go direct into the lungs unlike mosquitoes who
when the wind blows get blown away and can't hurt a fly
so next these HIV will vaccinate dust to protect us from
virus dust (viruses are not living things they are dust).
Subliminal trick used calling it west nile and not east
nile as the biggest customers for the poisons of
vaccines is the west. Think this through for 2 moments,
if there's a mosquito on the west side of the nile there
is a mosquito on the east side of the nile, there is no
way that mosquitoes can't travel to both sides, most of
the time they just blow in the wind where ever the wind
takes them, just like how dust aka viruses travel world
wide like carbon dioxide from smoke. It's all hustle in
source of the White Nile, even after centuries of
exploration, remains in dispute. The most remote source
that is indisputably a source for the White Nile is the
Kagera River; however, the Kagera has tributaries
that are in contention for the farthest source of the
White Nile.
image public domain - curve
is due to fish eye lens on camera or image adjustment
software not "curve of our flat
planette called Urth" it's wide point here is 221 miles
across is this camera 221 miles high in orbit? I don't
think so. It appears to be just above the dust storm.
Notice it's an ANGLE view and not straight down which
would give a better perspective at how CLOSE this camera
is to the ground.
Big pharma
needs a change so let's all put on
that N95 that
can't stop any virus it just stops people spitting on
you and TRANS form it at
and notice how Mariposa County didn't clarify
how much of a difference a mask makes
we clarified it here for you. We should be paid but
hellth departments work for pharma and never pay anyone
that would reform their busine$$ models. Notice they use
the term "Public Health" as if it's got it's own
identity all it's own and not the term "individual
health" which would apply to individuals differently.
It's quite the scam they all got going there.
Public Health or as they spell it in California
PublicHealth does not prioritize individual health.
Think about that. If it did it could not grant itself
the power to fumigate all public spaces as it does.
Dollar Vigilante featured clip from Robert Willner
who in the 1990's scathingly called out Fauci's
dangerous life threatening lies. Latest one is the lie that
he contracted a dangerous unicorn from the Nile River
region of Egypt (note how that is pronounced as
e-gypped) in latest news stories and novels of science
fiction due to television mind control. Jeff Berwick is
in a place in Mexico where they do not spray their bugs.
In the US sick hellth agencies think of people as bugs.
33 code for exercise. Tacos yum! ROFL.
ICAN-backed Lawsuit forces CDC to Unblock X accounts in
win for First Amendment
as reported on
Del Bigtree The High Wire show on August 29, 2024.
Arial spraying pesticide Anvil 10+10 boy they are having
having fun hitting the public health with a hammer
aren't they. Reminds us of "Hit Hard Hit Early"
poisoning of the gays with the "cocKtails" of poison AIDS
treats 30 years ago. The fake threat is mosquitoes transmitting virus
that does not exist. If mosquitoes transmitted viruses
they would have transmitted HIV. Obvious frauds all of
them in this Hustle In Virology (HIV). View the
PDF on this poison which is in light green color to
make it hard to read and give you the feeling it's all
about greening the planet but notice all the warnings to
health and how it annhilates wild life and fish. Time to
reject all
Horseshit In Virology. Keep in mind PrEP is a poison
aids drug. Uses chemotherapy poisons. AZT when FDA was
honest which it is no longer had pulled that dangerous
chemical off market 50 years ago. Chemical therapy.
Chemo. Therapy. Therapists. The
rapists. Fauci brought the drug back to use on the gays.
Massachussetts was not spraying this poison in 2021.
EPA documentation on this poison.
"Please note that exclusions/opt out requests will
not be honored if: The Commissioner of Public Health has
certified that the application is to be made to protect
the Public Health".
The term Public Health with captial
letters is a legal description and entity all it's own
separate from individual health. Public Health will
completely disregard individual health when it feels the
need based on the junk science of virology. No agency
can provide documents proving any virus exists. Thus all
efforts to determine what is good for Public Health
based on virology is a violation of human rights as
human rights prioritizes individuals over govern MEANTS
bogus governing when it's done by CORPORATIONS parading
themselves around as though they know what is good for
individual health using the products they have VESTED
Denis Rancourt looks at Canada data death rates are no
different government there making wild claims that
are nonsense. It was a bogus demic. Inflated numbers.
Testing demic. Explained by Poornima Wagh.
Dr. Jane Ruby tangents this week into spiraled ribbons.
It's in
the picture so it must be true!
Public safety in transportaion wants to plans to mandate
new cars have kill switches. This is a bad name. How are
those smart ass devices going to stop
this attempt or error in judgement where the SUV plows
into a corner cafe nearly killing crowd standing on
sidewalk. Note the cement wall protected the patrons.
Remote shut off switches may help stop a police chase
but those chases are often not remotely necessary.
Fake women in sports is not about fairness. It's on
par with providing equality to animals and insects. It's
on par with fake equality between a mother and a child,
the child gets to be in charge, the mother gets to be in
charge. The fundamental principle is being shunned in
this fake equality bastardization. Equal in some
respects of basics. Not equal in every thing. For
example people all breathe air, the baby the child the
mother all breathe air, we treat them equally based on
this fundamental need for air. We don't need to treat
people who pretend to be another sex equal to those who
were born as that sex in everything. We treat them equal
regarding air. We treat them equal in basic human ideals
of everyone needs a job to make money to buy food. We
don't treat them equally if they act like spoiled brats.
Sports is not a fundamental right nor a fundamental
need. Fairness becomes the guiding principle not
equality unless again we are talking about equal
treatment no matter what you pretend to be in the matter
of breathing the same quality of air in what ever locker
room you demand to be in. Privacy and comfort rule over
costume in locker rooms. If the body has a dong it
belongs in the dong locker room if it doesn't it belongs
in the undong locker room. Equal treatment is provided
no matter the sex or the costume or the illusions or the
identity regarding air.
"One cannot prove that something does not exist, one can
only prove that something does exist." -
Dr. Stefan Lanka who proved viruses do not exist.
I proved a trillion dollars does not exist in my wallet
so what is he talking about, it does not exist, I proved
The PAN endemic was an interesting experience of
mischief and debauchery what PAN is known for in ancient
greek mythology. Note the word MYTH. I like to combine
these like HIV/AIDS into PAN/MYTH/KOVID as we also saw
the performance of Kovid wearing a plaid gas mask as a
fashionable accessory one year prior to this world's a
stage performance used to
cunningly trick the public into accepting genetic
engineering of their body's basic processes as a bizarre
psycho mad science in medi SIN method of "being well".
READ/WATCH the Kennedy speech in full from Friday
August 23 2024 where he shares, I want
everyone to know that I am not terminating my campaign.
I am simply suspending it and not not ending it. My
name, my name, will remain on the ballot in most states.
If you live in a blue state, you can vote for me without
harming or helping President Trump or vice president
Harris and red states, just the same will apply.... I
encourage you to vote for me, and
if enough of you do vote for
me and neither of the major party candidates win 270
votes, which is quite possible. In fact, today, our
polling shows them tying at 269 to 269 and I could
conceivably still end up in the White House in a
contingent election.
But in about 10
battleground states where my presence would be a
spoiler, I’m going to remove my name, and I’ve already
started that process and urge voters not to vote for me,
it’s with a sense of victory and not defeat that I’m
suspending my campaign activities.
What states are battleground
states?? Pay attention to that and vote Kennedy if not
in a battle ground state!!! The choice is simple vote
for RED/BLUE you could have your life stolen again and
be told to obey the medi SIN masters who only care about
their wealth not anyone's health.
RFK/jr is a dropout
- said in a jovial way -
as he exits calls out the scum-ocracy rats that used all
their disgusting self centered triks. 45 min
speech & how he plans to save the children from
pig pHARMa and their
schedule of massive profits using children as their medi
SIN voo doo dolls now demanding in the childhood vaccine
schedule around a hundred pricks.
How about adding saving the baby men from the sick
practice of slicing off their massive section of
valuable protective skin on their dicks and selling it
for profit Bobby. No one in governing ever takes a stand
against this child abuse, well, Gavin Newsom did as
Mayor of San Francisco but he's an exception and
Ah now we see
why they set up Tronald's fakeass in nation association
to Kennedy. Psychology 101.
Movie scripts.
1984 ad show up in a barrell
get another $5 trade in jeans.
Russia is not our enemy hellth agencies are.
Trust HIM? Hustlers In
MediSIN are not trust worthy.
They are on every
street corner drug store.
Rare but serious disease fake spreaded by mosquitoes
VOLUNTARY LOCKDOWN to ramp up the fear east coast USA
watch they will keep ramping up everywhere slowly then
POW claim mosquitoes are causing incurable disease
demandator another destruction of the economy to fix
what's not broken. FAKE
fake claim 30% survive, carry the rest of your life,
just like the HIV/AIDS horseshit in virology playbook.
FEAR FEAR FEAR of invisible dangerous unicorns.
These hellth agencies are liars. They can't prove
any virus exists. They will spray their poisons
in the air all over the entire planet killing bird food.
The birds and bees drop dead they will blame a virus
they can't find by any aspect of valid science.
People are not stupid anymore. They are not going
along with this Horseshit In Virology (HIV).
You can not vaccinate against viruses that come through
the nose anyway. Now they are claiming the mosquito did
The flu vaccine never worked. Nothing virus works.
University of Sheffield does not provide proof after
formal request, gee wonder why.
Simple, they don't have it and they are making millions
off this lie.
David Knight doesn't see RFK/jr as HHS pick.
He's pretty wise to a lot of
this stuff. Too much drug money involved. People will be
paid off. The position is too valuable to shareholders
in all these scum pHARMa stocks and the bottom line is
too much of the public still demands what they sell. So
is RFK/jr being stupid or misleading us? Probably not,
he's taking a shot, the only one he has. At least it's
clear RFK/jr is good terms with Trump so that alone is a
good thing. It's going to take years maybe a few more
decades to clear up this mess of
believing in viruses that don't exist and believing
in pHARMa chemical waste products to be saviors and
about another 666 years before humanity realizes jesus
was a novel savior just like science is fiction. David helped a lot of people
navigate through the 2020 Horseshit In Virology (HIV)
corona disaster. Keep up with his teachings. Put up
with his screams against abortion while enjoying the
times where he's so silent you can hear a pin drop from
Uranus on
the abortion of baby male foreskin
he never talks
about that disgusting child abuse.
La Maka for president?
Maka people in Argentina and Paraguay. La is the
female version of the. La Maka. Maka La. Kama La.
Bingo. El maka. La Maka. Ma Kala. Kam Ala. Ha Haah.
Once again Dr. McSpikebrain makes claims vaccines cause
heart disease with no proof.
Never blames it on recipies.
That's been his schtick for 4 years since 2020 hindsight
and PAN his god of mischief and debauchery kaching
traveling the world. We traveled back in time. His
previous life was in the 1700's as a medicine man doing
the same thing. He has miracle cure for imaginary spike
balls using onion powder $300 wopping dollars for his
kit. Go to the dollar store. The problem with Peter
McCullough is he lies and does this at governing
hearings and committee meetings and could care less.
He's a multi millionaire and benefits from his lies. He's been asked to follow up on providing proof any
virus exists, he bowed out of course. None of these
Hustlers In Virology have proof.
FDA just admitted this.
Alex Jones says he wants Petey's 35,000 foot view.
Imagine asking a doctor to go up into the clouds and
tell you what he sees. They are all hustlers. He always
acts like publishing novels means they are true. 99.666%
of what is published in virology is a novel. He once
again dispariages the male sex community. Same horseshit
as in the 1980's. He slips in HIV not treated. He's all
in the drug pushing industry. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ watch
how he reads the script. He's an actor. Hey you stupid
fuck how about you stop treating the faggots like shit
all you fundamentalist sick christies are the same.
There is no such thing as a virus that only picks
homosexuals. That is not science. That is hustle. Is he
that stupid? No he could care less what the facts are
they all just want their drug money. Peter peter cash
flow eater please for once or preferably 666 times tell
the public the truth, that disease is a recipe,
mosquitoes nor oxygen, nor 78% of the air of nitrogen
carry disease, it's as heavy as the human that has it.
Disease cannot be transmitted. Viruses that don't exist
can only be transmitted through the eyes and ears and
mouth going directly to the brain as do all unicorns and
also called polyethene and polythene, is
the world's most widely used plastic. It is
primarily used to make films in
carrier bags and trash
liners. Polyethelyne glycol aka PEG is the liquid of
mRNA vaccines." Injecting plastic bags in liquid form?
Sounds stupid. Read the section on ethelyne glycol
On August 24 2024 Palm Springs had gusts of winds 66 mph
as per local news KESQ. How many viruses were traveling
thru Palm Springs this weekend for a little sun and dust
storm? 666 trillion per second. Why isn't the HELLth
departments testing the air everywhere. Danger Will
Robinson! Sometimes the amount of viruses in the air
actually cause them to pile up on Indian Canyon Drive at
the "wash" aka normally dry river bed on the road which
then gets shut down as traffic cannot get through. Of
course HELLth departments are busy putting out all the
"fires" from all the FOIA requests that have been piling
up on
these departments world wide desks where the public
keeps asking for proof any virus
exists. No one can find proof, not one document
anywhere showing these viruses that are piling up
everywhere have been proven to exist. Alas they keep
declaring emergencies as that's where their money comes
from to pretend to be saving lives.
Inside Jupiter we see Mars
attacks the whole spinning ball theory
the book Vibes of Cosmos. So why does NASA keep lying to
us telling their Mars rover went to a location close to
Earth and not on Mars. The rover is just a prop. Photos
made on Urth. NASA even stated it can't leave Urth's
lower orbit. Need money to fix potholes? Now you know
where to go to get it.
Candice Owens talks
fake moon landing
Fluoride in water.
Involuntary forced medi SIN on the public with added
feature of it being a way to dispose of China's chemical
waste and used as rat poison. It was called a conspiracy
theory for decades. 99.666% of conspiracy theories end
up as proven accurate. This one took 8 decades to get
government to admit. CDC a vaccine company as Kennedy
points out sticks to it's guidelines directing people
into the
chemical waste dumps.
Plandemic 1.a monkey business analysis of
trauma as a method to sell monkey poo
Does someone who
as a public speaker have the right to
their thoughts via their mouth
openly without smart senser ships.
Foreskin face cult leader queen of talking way too much
thus making big profits again talks income the illusion
of inequality from her 2 trillion dollar estate. In this
analysis the narrator later presents a commercial for a
smart cereal costing about 8 dollars per box that boasts
zero added sugars and plenty of artificial sweetner crap
plus oil slicks with silly new names.
Look at those delicious and natural ingredients like
sunflower oil, wait, that is High Oleic Sunflower
Oil (HOSO) guess what that is, motor oil. Yes
kiddies that is motor oil, well not exactly, just
mostly about 99.666% similar. NOTE THE WORD
OLEIC. That is a
process that makes a seed oil to have different
LUBRICATING properties such as making it unable to digest,
instead of it being a natural oil anymore as would
be like if we ate raw seeds and thus the oils easily
broken down for natural use by the body it becomes more suitable
oil for industry for lubrication of metal gears, it
has a very similar property. Motor oil is processed
from crude oil which has high stickyness and is
impossible for moisture to rub off so as to protect
the metal parts with oil so that it
stays there and allows the metal parts to slide for
a long time and has a high burn temperature so it
stays there intact, unlike baby man's dick when
stupid parents allow a sick medical professor to
hack part of it off and sell it for profit in the
sick ritual abuse of children called the cutesy
kindergartenish name of circumcision like we are
drawing circles in a coloring book or something, so that
it slides as in an engine in and out of they
cylinder smoothly. Oleic oils are not natural and
not meant for the body regardless how nice it sounds
that it's made from sunflower seeds stolen from
birds food supplies and we can't figure out why
birds keep dropping like flies so our authors of
misgoverning in HELLth prevention spray poisons in
the air to kill the imaginary unicorn variant
viruses to continue their delusions and of course
bill us. Oleic oils in all the coffee creamers
create a coating on the throat and intestines and
that keeps things well lubricated you might think,
but no, it's part of Gulp Oil Spill Horrors (GOSH)
just like how the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico
coated sand and birds and the only way to clean it
up was to use chemical detergents also derived from
oil. Be assured if
there was a spill there of the same amount of
sunflower seed butter like peanut butter and raw
those oils wouldn't be so sticky and grab dirt and
not let go. Think of this when you consume HOSO and
wonder why those virus unicorns stick and won't let
Kovid shotz provide
ZERO protection but loads of
Africa being
injected with CDC nonsense.
What the HELLth kare is this? FDA can't prove virus
What a difference a gay makes!
The United States a fully misannoying place
with 100.666% of it's
discitizens and malaliens only sometimes going the extra
.666 mile
Russia has a more functional society than the US.
Podcast filmed in Russia explains first hand
observations they noticed
What is the department of defence actually defending,
Catherine Fitts has a clue maybe.
There's only 200 million people in India
official numbers lie like they always do
there's only 1.5 billion people on Urth. Givern MEANTS
lie and exaggerate con stantly to get more money
allocated to their programs. There is no over
population. There is misgoverning, malgoverning,
disgoverning big time.
Getting that Waterlogged Wood Preservative (WWP)
injection of modern a medi SIN again this
season? ROFL. Those shots contain PEG, Poly Ethelyne
Glycol. Poly as in poly ester. They will turn your cells
into 1970's polyester leisure suits. Look it up, or,
just trust your stupid doctor and television set and
David Martin a cover
for not covering that vaccines are
a cover for what actually causes disease using fear porn
to sell his wares no different than that of those he
fake calls out. He's a straight throw the homos under
the bus creep like all these fundamentalists.
They all keep doing the same thing with the fake monkey
pox playing like the straights won't get it because they
don't have gay sex, listen to him carefully when he
slips that thing in there. "Marionette strings .... funny to watch when
milseading...... this idea that monkey pox... all
mysteriously going to show up at a gay night club .....
in Germany is a high risk for the general population."
Did you catch that horseshit slick sales pitch? He's
reinforcing that 1980's bullshit that gays spread
disease. He is the slickest piece of lying sales pitch
that ever crawled out from under the covid Horseshit In
Virology rock. He's blaming "the vaccine" for rash. Well
maybe it's mostly liquid Poly Ethelene Glycol aka PEG.
OMG he's such a salesman. See if you can figure out
what it is he's really selling. It's not what seems
The injectionated will throw who ever
they want under the bus again and again
each declaration of fake
pandemics because they are lost in their egos and the
cult of quackery that makes they feel so safe and
so watch out for their lies and con games. He never
once said the vaccines were an experiment with placebos
of salt water, maybe Himilayan Pink Salt. Always makes
them appear as if they are all toxic brews from modern a
medi SIN. Why not be honest about this David? He keeps
blabbering about "spike protein" which is not proven by
valid science. Oh there it is, at 8.5 min "turbo
cancer". The plan is to move mRNA technology into
treating cancer. That is the big new business model.
He's all in. Pay attention kiddies. RNA therapies is
junk science medi SIN. Obviously David is a shill for
pHARMa. That's ok, it's for the greater good, of
US Dept of Agriculture:
"We're still hunting for scientific evidence of
[alleged] avian
influenza virus existence... or contagion."
Wow! That is like going to the produce market and them
saying they have to check to see if they have any and
you go there a week later and each week for a year and
they still keep saying they are looking. With all the money we give them in our taxes and all
the computer systems, search boxes, fast processing they
have they can't find it yet? that is because it does
not exist.
"Further, the request relates
to an urgent issue regarding public health, animal
health, food safety, commerce, economics, etc. brought
on in large part by supposed "experts" / "authorities"
at the department who have published propaganda,
"tested" and, from what I hear, encouraged state
departments to pester farmers to provide samples, all
over an alleged "virus" (actually
never shown to exist), and they continue
posting information regarding the
results of fraudulent, impossible-to-validate
"tests" that don't test for a virus."
Follow the script
see where it leads
8 gals
Proud to be "saving the climate" with that
Proud to be saving people from being
slaves too?
Look at them here working smart!
Environmental Insensitivity:
Electric Vehicles Driven
By Moral Piety & Gross Hypocrisy
What really is a corona?
Here's a fun frolicking analysis featuring music by Mad
Villain and warped speeds of marketing science
presented by PAN the demic god of mischief and
debauchery of the FDA which also just admitted they have
no proof of any virus on planet Urth and they use darts
thrown at a wall that target only two chocies for their
hard decisions, yes for approval or authorization of
what these committees have no clue what they are talking
about or NO we can't not do what the drug dealers tell
us to do as it would affect everyone's portfolios.
Discover a new adventure
The Desert Home
life styled portal
We support good nutrition and
intact living and call for an end of the child abuse of
amputation of the baby boy's
most sacred body part.
Who said "Why don't we blow the system up" and why
on Earth would they say that and about what system??
EPA said at the start of kovid-19 to kill viruses use
citric acid a natural product. So instead of chemicals
that kill lung cells such as sQUAT, we went looking for
the easiest to obtain citric acid product. Turns out
Gatorade is all you need to kill viruses. Although it's
been proven in court that viruses don't exist those who
never listen to anything but pharma financed news will
not get the message that there's no need to obsess and
kill dangerous unicorns and they will say "well just to
be safe" and you say safe from what and they say "well
something is causing it" and they will never let go so
at least have a bottle of Gatorade handy when ever there
is a need to pretend you are killing viruses for them as
you can say "EPA confirms that citric acid is in
Gatorade and it kills viruses".
Nasal swab assault search and seizure. Why give
permission for that. Risky. Can damage you. Just blow in
a tissue and hand them that. If they say they can't use
that then pack your bags and end that relationship.
Peggy Hall today June 4 2024.
What if the atmosphere above is actually
an invisibility shield like this and there is
something hidden behind it.
CEO oddly mentions how they
got the
public to believe in what does not exist
talks how health departments and
government forced a panic on the
public to sell new mode RNA junk science flu shots
public would never have submitted to without such a
panic being created
and now they are
pushing get a flu shot and get a flu shot DOUBLE what flu
season's used to push
because their flu shot garbage sales have been dropping like
Newton's balls
as the public started realizing flu shots don't work so now
to keep sales where they were it's
TWO SHOTS of pHARMa junk science repurposed chemical waste
In the 1918 "Spanish Flu" doctors of this same kind of junk science gave
it's subjects 20x the normal does of Bayer aspirin
that is what killed them all, from hemmorage, they bled to
death internally, not a fake ass virus that does not exist
these companies are all corrupt as year after year they keep
spreading lies
Make peace with these dangerous
Bankrupt pHARMa.
Remove their liability shields. Only they
and portfoio$ are immune not you.
Immunity to disease does not exist.
We have response
systems not immune systems.