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We support good nutrition and intact living and call for an end of the child abuse of amputation of the baby boy's most sacred body part.

Who said "Why don't we blow the system up" and why on Earth would they say that and about what system??

EPA said at the start of kovid-19 to kill viruses use citric acid a natural product. So instead of chemicals that kill lung cells such as sQUAT, we went looking for the easiest to obtain citric acid product. Turns out Gatorade is all you need to kill viruses. Although it's been proven in court that viruses don't exist those who never listen to anything but pharma financed news will not get the message that there's no need to obsess and kill dangerous unicorns and they will say "well just to be safe" and you say safe from what and they say "well something is causing it" and they will never let go so at least have a bottle of Gatorade handy when ever there is a need to pretend you are killing viruses for them as you can say "EPA confirms that citric acid is in Gatorade and it kills viruses".

Nasal swab assault search and seizure. Why give permission for that. Risky. Can damage you. Just blow in a tissue and hand them that. If they say they can't use that then pack your bags and end that relationship. Inspired by Peggy Hall today June 4 2024.

What if the atmosphere above is actually an invisibility shield like this and there is something hidden behind it.

Bayer CEO oddly mentions how they got the public to believe in what does not exist
talks how health departments and government forced a panic on the public to sell new mode RNA junk science flu shots
the public would never have submitted to without such a panic being created
and now they are pushing get a flu shot and get a flu shot DOUBLE what flu season's used to push
because their flu shot garbage sales have been dropping like Newton's balls
as the public started realizing flu shots don't work so now to keep sales where they were it's
TWO SHOTS of pHARMa junk science repurposed chemical waste goo
In the 1918 "Spanish Flu" doctors of this same kind of junk science gave it's subjects 20x the normal does of Bayer aspirin
that is what killed them all, from hemmorage, they bled to death internally, not a fake ass virus that does not exist
these companies are all corrupt as year after year they keep spreading lies

Make peace with these dangerous unicorns! Bankrupt pHARMa. Remove their liability shields. Only they and portfoio$ are immune not you.
Immunity to disease does not exist. We have response systems not immune systems.